British style

Experiments in clothing, which are actively called upon by all famous designers in 2013, are so diverse that now you can change your image with ease several times a day. In particular, it concerns the very style that you choose. So one of the most recommended this year was the British. Dresses in the British style have always been distinguished by elegance, restraint and did not contain unnecessary elements.

British style in clothes

First of all images in the British style are created using traditional colors. Most often this is a calm cell, an unrestricted strip or colors, selected in one range. Also, clothes in the British style is always distinguished by high quality of the material, neat cut and unobtrusive decor.

If you choose pants in the British style, then the most successful option will be classic narrowed models. Supplement the ensemble with an elegant jacket and a flirty cap. Make sure that your clothes are exactly on your figure.

If you are interested in a more feminine image, then an excellent option would be a combination of a flared skirt below the knee with a strict shirt tucked inside. You can also choose models of mini-skirts. But in this case, make sure that the length of the mini is not too frank. Do not confuse such models with a super-mini. In such images, shoes should be appropriate - not provocative and neat.

But the most distinctive sign of the British style are elegant dresses. Such models are perfectly suited for business ladies and office employees, whose profession requires strict adherence to the dress code. Dresses in the British style have a laconic cut, a calm coloring, and the length is usually midi. The best examples of this style were models from Victoria Beckham 's new collection of dresses .