Radevit ointment - methods of application that you did not know about

Radevit ointment in medicine and cosmetology has been used for a long time and very successfully. The product helps to combat various dermatological problems: starting with dermatitis, ending with burns, peeling and cracks. Ointment is effective and at the same time completely harmless - it acts gently, does not harm the epidermis, internal systems and organs - and therefore is very popular.

Radevit ointment - composition

This preparation is a homogeneous mass of white or soft yellow color. According to the consistency, Radevit ointment resembles an ordinary cosmetic cream. You can buy the drug in any pharmacy. Recipe for its acquisition is not required. Radevit ointments contain active ingredients such as palmitate retinol (vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). As auxiliary components in the medicine are added:

Radevit ointment - properties

The action of the drug is determined by its main components. Vitamin D is responsible for strengthening the immunity of the skin, reducing its dryness and eliminating inflammatory processes. Thanks to vitamin E, the epidermis gets protection from the effects of free radicals, which prevents premature aging. What helps Radevit ointment from? Due to vitamin A, the agent:

Radevit ointment - indications for use

The substance is effective for various dermatological problems and diseases. In addition, it is often used in cosmetology. Radevit ointment has the following indications for use:

Radevit ointment - application

The product is intended for external use only. Apply Radevit ointment is recommended twice a day with a thin layer. Before applying, all damaged skin areas should be treated with an antiseptic. If the drug is used to control peeling, occlusal dressings are applied over it. The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the complexity and neglect of the problem and can range from a couple of days to several weeks.

When Radevit ointment is used in cosmetology, its use rate can reach 45 days. After this, you should make a two-week break, and then the tool can be used again. If during the therapy Radevit does not do breaks, then the skin will be oversaturated with vitamins, which is undesirable. The problem is that from the overabundance of nutrients can come the same reaction as from their lack.

Radevit ointment for wrinkles

In cosmetology Radevit ointment from wrinkles application has received the most widespread. It really helps, but you do not need to think that this remedy makes it possible to smooth the skin 100%. The rejuvenating effect, which provides Radevit ointment, helps to soften the skin, increases its elasticity. The product makes wrinkles less noticeable, but does not smooth them completely, so it is more expedient to apply it for preventive purposes and when small creases and grooves occur. In this case, the effect will be noticeable.

Radevit ointment for acne

Often the drug is prescribed to those who need to remove acne. Ointment anti-inflammatory Radevit not only helps to fight with hated tubercles, but also moisturizes the skin, protecting it from negative external influences. Vitamin composition helps to speed up skin regeneration. In addition, Radevit - ointment for the face - is an effective antioxidant, which also stimulates the metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Radevit for the skin around the eyes

The epidermis on this part of the face is especially tender, but those women who have already tried to use the remedy for the skin around the eyes give him only positive marks. Soft and effective action is one of the main reasons why Radevit ointment is used in cosmetology. Applying the drug is recommended monthly courses twice a year - ideally in spring and autumn, when the skin does not receive enough nutrients and especially needs support. Thanks to the ointment, small mimic wrinkles come off after several procedures.

Radevit ointment for eczema

This unpleasant dermatological disease is accompanied by a rash, redness of the skin and severe itching. If the rashes are combed, dense crusts form in their place. With proper treatment, it is possible to get rid of the wound in a short time. Therapy, as a rule, occurs in two stages. It is important for a patient to adhere to a special diet that excludes from the diet those foods that cause irritation. Parallel Radevit from eczema on the hands is applied. The drug not only removes inflammation and accelerates the healing of the epidermis, but also helps to stop the itching.

For the treatment to be more effective, dermatologists are sometimes recommended to alternate Radevit with other topical agents. Apply medicines twice a day. In the mornings it is more expedient to use such drugs that are easily applied, quickly absorbed and leave no traces on the clothes. In the evening, it is possible to treat wounds and more fatty creams or ointments.

Radevit ointment for dermatitis

Most of the reviews on the drug are positive. Radevit from dermatitis is convenient and, importantly, safe. The remedy removes the inflamed formations, while not tightening the skin, but on the contrary, making it more elastic. Radevit is rapidly absorbed, therefore, after applying it on the body, there is no unpleasant feeling of fatness and stickiness. Another great advantage is that the medicine works promptly. Redness, itching, pimples and other manifestations of an allergic reaction disappear on the second day after the beginning of treatment.

Radevit ointment for psoriasis

This drug is considered one of the most effective in rashes. The fact that Radevit from psoriasis is a good help is evidenced by numerous positive reviews of both specialists and successfully cured patients with it. The composition of the ointment is selected in such a way that it helps to quickly eliminate inflammation, relieve itching and burning sensation, rather heal affected areas.

Apply the medicine to the wound twice a day, but the dosage may vary depending on the neglect of the disease and the general condition of the patient. You can only apply Radevit externally. The agent is applied to the area of ​​peeling with a thin layer. Rub the ointment with neat, light movements. To enhance the useful properties of the drug, before applying it is recommended to treat the skin at the site of infection with an antiseptic solution.

Radevit ointment - side effects

They have to go for all medications, but unlike most other drugs, Radevit side effects are minimal. According to the instructions, in rare cases, the remedy can cause an allergic reaction. In acute inflammatory processes, Radevit sometimes provokes the appearance of pain, increased redness, swelling and itching. To avoid unpleasant consequences, ointment is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its components, pregnancy, hypervitaminosis. neatly apply the drug and during lactation.

Radevit ointment - analogues

To use the ointment for different reasons is not for everyone and not always. In some cases, Radevite analogs are required to enhance its effectiveness. There are many alternative medicines. It is recommended that you choose the right one with your doctor. The choice in most cases is made from this list of medicines: