What is the temperature you need to knock down a child?

The body temperature of a child, especially a newborn, is unstable. During the day, it can several times rise and fall. According to experts, the lowest temperature is in the morning, and in the period from 4 pm. before 18.00. - the tallest. Even more noticeable is the difference in temperature during active hanging and resting. After the child ran, the body temperature can be more than 37 degrees. In infants, the temperature often rises due to banal overheating. Pediatricians also note that the way to measure temperature is important. Familiar for all indicators are correct if the thermometer is placed in the armpit. In rectal and oral measurements, the norm is 37.2 ... 37.4.

What temperature is dangerous for the child?

Many parents are lost: what is the temperature you need to knock down a child? The fact is well known that at a temperature of 37 ... 38 degrees, antipyretic preparations should not be used. The fact is that this temperature for two days indicates that the body is fighting infection. If this phenomenon persists for more than two days, then it is necessary to lower the temperature.

We foresee the question: what is the critical temperature for a child? It should be noted that the body's reaction to the temperature increase is purely individual, but a temperature close to 40 degrees is considered dangerous for the child. Stop the process of increasing temperature quickly fails, and after 41 degrees, the processes of gluing together erythrocytes and disturbing metabolic processes in the brain tissues begin.

Cases when it is necessary to bring down the temperature in the child immediately:

Of course, in all these situations it is necessary to call a pediatrician at home to look at the crumbs and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to knock down heat?

There are several ways to reduce temperature:

It should not be expected to bring the temperature back to normal, it's enough that the thermometer's indicators will initially decrease by 1 ... 1.5 degrees.

We hope that from the article parents received a full answer to the question, what temperature can the child be knocked down? It must be remembered that medicines should be given to the baby only as prescribed by the doctor!