Deep sleep

That mothers, grandmothers and, of course, doctors have been telling us that a sound sleep is a pledge of health. Nevertheless, even then many of us thought that this was just a phrase, which you should not pay special attention to. But over time, we ourselves noticed: if you do not sleep or sleep late at night, as it happens in the morning that the "head is heavy", you do not want to do anything, there was some inner disconnection and external fatigue, although we just woke up and should be full of energy. Here comes the realization of how important a dream is.

Today, the problem of bad sleep disturbs very many people for various reasons, and we will try to consider what helps to get a full sleep.

Few facts

  1. A healthy, sound sleep is always accompanied by dreams (it is not important, good or bad): if a person does not see them, then this is a clear violation in the work of the body.
  2. The duration of a healthy sleep is at least 8 hours.
  3. If you fall asleep for 15 minutes - then you suffer from lack of sleep. A healthy person falls asleep within 10-15 minutes.
  4. A person who has slept less than 6 hours, gets a 50% chance of contracting a viral infection.
  5. There is a big difference when a person sleeps: day or night (this applies to those who work at night shifts): in the evening, hormone groups are produced, and in the evening others, and they affect perception and behavior, suggesting wakefulness during the day and sleep at night.

Rules for healthy sleep or how to make sleep sound?

There are many tools that can bring back a sound sleep: among them there are common, which will not harm everyone, and special ones, the choice of which depends on what the dream is broken for.

Discipline is the main secret of sound sleep:

  1. To normalize the dream, lie down no later than 10 pm, tk. biologically at this time the body is ready for rest.
  2. Also pay attention to the sleeper: it must be clean and comfortable, and in the room there are no extraneous noises.
  3. Avoid 1 hour before sleep to receive a lot of information: do not include news and do not watch movies that keep the viewer with emotional stress - thrillers, action movies, horror, drama.
  4. Room temperature greatly affects the quality of sleep, so try to organize yourself comfort: ventilate, if it's hot, and if it's cold, and warm up the whole room does not work, buy an electric blanket with several modes.

These were the general rules that everyone should adhere to. And now let us begin those methods that help to solve the problem of bad sleep caused by increased emotionality and nervous excitability.

How to restore healthy sleep with the help of home remedies?

If you fall asleep thoughts are spinning in your head, preventing you from falling asleep, that is, a good harmless drug that doctors prescribe to children suffering from hyperactivity: coniferous baths. Take a dry extract or balm with pine and fir oil in the pharmacy and take a bath with this remedy every day before going to bed. It helps to relax, and, despite its plainness, is very effective in cases of sleep disorders, and other problems associated with shattered nerves.


If the above methods are not enough, then the official medicine for a sound sleep comes to the rescue, which is used, for example, after stress: valokardin, barboval - it is believed that these are cardiac drugs, but they can be used as light tranquilizers that suppress the excitability of the nervous system . You can not use them every day: if you are depressed, it is better to consult a doctor. Most likely, he will appoint you valerian tablets or more serious - adaptol or afobazol. It is better not to resort to sleeping pills to prevent the body from falling asleep on its own.

Secrets of a healthy sleep from yogis

And the last method, helping to get a healthy sleep (but not the last one in effectiveness) - Exercises for sound sleep. Yoga helps you get a good strong sleep on the first day of full-fledged practice, but if you do not have the desire to do it, then use only one exercise: in bed, lying on your back, with the lights off and with your eyes closed, feel like the whole body relaxes. Focus on what you see (closed eyes), or on breathing: how the air fills the lungs and how they narrow when exhaled. Do not think about anything, let thoughts pass you by. Do not stop your attention to them, if they arise. Your task is to watch either for breathing, or for what you have before your eyes closed. Look out. Within 15 minutes you fall asleep.