Fungal diseases of the legs

Fungal diseases affecting the feet, until the middle of the last century were so common that avoiding infection was extremely difficult. Only in the 60-ies began to produce effective antifungal drugs, which are now a lot. Nevertheless, fungal diseases of the feet remain the most common among fungal infections.

How does the fungus manifest?

Penetrating through the skin, a parasitic fungus can make itself felt not immediately. Typically, the first symptoms appear after any trauma to the foot or severe hypothermia.

First, fungal diseases of the legs are manifested in the form of barely noticeable cracks between the fingers. Also, painful and itchy vesicles, puffiness, and intertrigo may appear. As the infection progresses, the affected area softens, becomes covered with white scales, which easily peel off. Vesicles can turn into sores or ulcers. These symptoms are accompanied by itching and burning, as well as an unpleasant odor of the feet. Sometimes fungal diseases of the feet are accompanied by redness of the hands - this is due to the action of toxins released by microorganisms.

Sometimes the fungus, along with the feet, also affects the nail plates, which at the same time thicken, change color and, in most cases, exfoliate.

How to treat a fungus?

The need for treatment of foot fungal diseases does not need to be argued: mycosis brings discomfort, emotional depression, and toxins that secrete fungi gradually weaken the immune system.

Antifungal therapy should appoint a doctor-mycologist or dermatologist. Patients are usually prescribed drugs for oral administration, as well as special creams, ointments and powders.

It is very important to observe the following rules during treatment of foot and nail fungus diseases:

Precautionary measures

During the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet, it is important to protect your family from infection. Tell your family that you can not walk barefoot now, especially a bathroom.

After bathing, the shower tray or bath must be treated every time with a disinfectant.

My feet, you need to make sure that the dead skin does not fall under the fingernails of the hands, because this way the fungus can spread all over the body.