Why does a child drool at 3 months?

Quite often, babies at the age of 2-3 months have increased salivation, because of which Mom has to change clothes several times a day. At first, this problem does not cause much concern, but in the future the baby may have a chin inflamed, which will cause him pain and irritation. The child begins to be capricious, worried, can not sleep well.

All this forces parents to consult a pediatrician with the question of why the baby has drool at 3 months. In this article, we will consider the main causes that cause excessive salivation in infants of this age.

Why does a baby drool at 3 months?

The reasons for increased salivation in babies may be several. Consider the main ones:

  1. The most important reason why a three-month-old crumb can have abundant salivation is preparation for teething. It would seem that the first teeth of babies usually appear about 6 months, and before that it is still too much time. The gums of the baby are not swollen, and in general there are no signs of dentition in the mouth. Nevertheless, erupting teeth can disturb a child, starting from 2 months of life. In this case, the crumb will experience a lot of unpleasant sensations associated with their movement in the gum, and you will not notice anything for a long time, except for the abundant saliva on his face.
  2. In some children, especially in the case of preterm infants, the salivary glands are not yet fully formed. In this case, they can produce more saliva than the child can swallow.
  3. One of the most unpleasant causes of excessive salivation is stomatitis. Saliva is a kind of natural barrier against microbes, therefore, if there is a disease of the oral cavity, it is produced more than usual.
  4. Finally, in rare cases, increased secretion of salivary glands indicates the presence of serious diseases of the brain or nervous system, for example, cerebral palsy or encephalitis. Of course, in this case, abundant saliva will not be the only sign of the disease, and an experienced doctor will be able to immediately determine that something is wrong with the child.