Pokrov - signs for unmarried people

Orthodox believers on October 14 mark the Protection of the Virgin. It is believed that this is mostly a women's holiday, as every single lady has the opportunity to ask the Higher Forces for help in finding a chosen one. To the Mother of God for the Protection of the Virgin, they turn to arrange their personal lives, and women, to preserve relations.

Signs and ceremonies for the unmarried at Pokrov

Since ancient times, it is known that the girl who succeeds first on October 14 to put a candle near the icon of the Virgin, will very soon be married. To strengthen the action of the omens, it is recommended in the temple before the image to read such a prayer:

"Cover-father, cover the earth with a snowball, and I'm a bridegroom."

There is another simple ceremony for marriage, for which you need to pour water into an ordinary glass and read such a plot:

"Bless me, God, on the crown of wreaths

Let my girlhood end.

I do not need any more maiden braids,

Let the unmarried girls wear them,

but in return I ask for a woman's handkerchief,

yes golden wedding spruce.

God bless me, on the holy Pokrov. Amen".

After this, wash with water, and pour the leftovers into the ground.

Famous signs and customs for unmarried girls on the Pokrov:

  1. On this day it is recommended to cook some tasty dish, best if it's pastry, and treat people who cause pleasant feelings.
  2. It is recommended to feed the homeless animals and birds, thereby expressing respect to the Higher Powers.
  3. A well-known omen on the Cope for unmarried girls says that if it's fun to spend this holiday, you can meet your soul mate in the near future.
  4. It is not recommended to go to this holiday with loose hair, so plait the braid for the whole day.
  5. If someone asks for alms in the street, then giving money or food, say: "For two."
  6. Another famous sign for unmarried girls on the Pokrov - if you want to get married, then on this day you should wear only skirts or dresses, and cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf.
  7. Go to church and put the candles for the health of all men with whom they once had a relationship, myself and the chosen one.
  8. On the Pavement it is recommended to light a couple of candles in the house and put a vase with fresh flowers.
  9. Another sign for the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for unmarried girls - in order to improve personal life, it is necessary at least one married couple to congratulate on this holiday.

It is possible on this day to conduct another simple ritual that will help find the ideal man. To do this in the early morning until nine o'clock take a sheet of paper and write on it all the qualities, appearance, habits and shortcomings of the future elect. Below, write down these words:

"For the good of me and everyone around me! It's all in God's hands!"

Take this sheet of paper and go to church, there put a candle at the icon of the Virgin. Arriving home, hide the list of qualities in a secret place.