Diet on oatmeal

How many times have you said to yourself: "Everything! From tomorrow on a diet! ". And even started, and even the hungry lived until dinner. What a woman can not tolerate for a slender figure. However, not all diets are as exhausting as you might think. Take, for example, a diet on oatmeal. Fans of oatmeal, this diet will obviously have to taste.

Remember, when you ate breakfast for oatmeal porridge, then before dinner forgot about food and constant snacks. The fact that oatmeal is rich in fiber and due to this is slowly digested, so until the next meal you do not suffer from hunger. All this proves once again that oatmeal diet does not harm the body. On the contrary, the use of oat porridge normalizes the work of the intestines, it is also indicated for gastritis and ulcer diseases, and also lowers the level of cholesterol in the body.

Oatmeal is a product of centenarians. Regular consumption of food improves the work of the liver, stomach and pancreas. Promotes the removal of harmful substances - toxins. Therefore, the result of an oat diet will not only be a slim figure, but also a healthy complexion.

Oatmeal diet for 3 days

This diet is considered one of the most effective short-term diets.

The menu of such an oatmeal diet is not tricky. Oat porridge, cooked or pre-poured with boiled water, you can eat in unlimited quantities all day. And try the last time to eat at least two hours before bedtime. Drink these days you can green or herbal tea. In the porridge you can not add salt and sugar. This diet gives amazing results.

However, not everyone likes fresh oatmeal. For such people, you can suggest other variations of diets on oat flakes.

One of the varieties of oat diet is a diet on oatmeal and kefir. The main feature of such a diet is that oatmeal is not brewed, but is filled with kefir. Depending on how much you pour kefir into oatmeal, you will get either porridge or drinking kefir, which should be drunk throughout the day. In some cases, this is much more convenient than messing with porridge.

You can also adhere to the oat-berry diet. Actually, it almost does not differ from the three-day oat diet, only in oatmeal porridge it is allowed to add fresh or frozen berries. This will not only give a more vivid taste to oatmeal, but also saturate your cereal with additional vitamins, and you - inexhaustible energy for the whole day.

Diet on oat bran

Oat bran is a shredded shell of oat grain. Useful substances that are part of oat bran, a lot. These are useful carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, vitamins and amino acids, minerals, etc. They can be enumerated endlessly.

An important property of bran for a diet is that bran very well absorb in itself a liquid and, getting in an organism, considerably increase in size, from what the feeling of saturation comes.

Porridge for a diet of bran can be cold, i.e. is poured into the night for yogurt or yogurt, and in the morning it can already be consumed. Or maybe a hot porridge of oat bran. It is cooked, as well as ordinary oatmeal.

The principle of nutrition with such a diet is nothing special from the ordinary diet on oat flakes and cereal.

Many believe that you can eat oatmeal cookies with a diet, supposedly it is cooked on the basis of oatmeal. However, such a cookie during a diet is not desirable, like any other, because it has a lot of sugar, and the composition contains flour, which is not the best way to affect your figure.