Dream Interpretation - rain and dream interpretation of rain

Drops of heavenly moisture can cause contradictory feelings in a person. A dream interpreter explains the rain in different ways depending on the emotions that a dreamer had when traveling in the world of Morpheus. This can be both favorable signs and symbols of disasters.

Why does it rain heavily?

What is a dream? There comes a time of global change - changes will concern both personal life and career. Why does the rain rain, when in real life to him such a twofold attitude? It depends on:

  1. What physical sensations are caused by the touch of drops?
  2. What size and color are they?
  3. What is the environment?

The power of rain indicates that fateful changes are inevitable. If it's clean, large, warm drops - the future will present pleasant surprises in the form of new love, moving up the career ladder, moving to a new place, a pleasant journey. One or more of the listed events will come true. In this case, the downpour symbolizes the renewal and bright, memorable details of the new life.

The dream interpreter interprets the rain just the opposite of the previous interpretation, if the rainwater is dirty, cloudy, cold enough to burn the skin unpleasantly. In this case, a person needs to prepare for major troubles that will occur in addition to his will. Fate prepares him for obstacles, and the subconscious mind tries to warn about the upcoming misfortunes.

Why dream of getting into the rain?

If a dreamer feels in a dream, how unpleasant is the feeling of droplets rolling down his body, and he is soaked "to the skin", then this indicates his direct participation in the coming events. Drops of cold and painful beat on the skin, the sky is dark and gloomy - a person will have to "experience their own skin" unpleasant changes. Perhaps he will have to endure a serious illness or misfortune that will affect his loved ones or himself.

Why dream of getting wet in the rain in other situations? If the rain is warm, pleasant, and the person rejoices in a dream of his offensive - he will have to make responsible decisions that affect fate. The right choice promises happiness and well-being. But for this you can not sit idly by and wait for the manna of heaven - you will have to act quickly, resolutely, exactly.

Why does it rain?

It is necessary to pay attention to the external signs of drops and the intensity of the water flow. A fine, drizzling, warm rain in a dream is a sign of moral cleansing, justification, the release of a person from bad thoughts, as well as libel and gossip coming from other people. The increasing south rain indicates the significance of these internal and external changes.

What is the dream of a meteor shower?

Outwardly, this phenomenon is perceived on the night sky, like falling stars. There is a sign: if you make a wish and have time to pronounce it, until the star dissolves into the night, it will come true. If a dream of this nature had a dream, then the dreamer needs to prepare for a fateful meeting with a person who will radically change his life.

There is a possibility that this will be a new strong passion or unexpectedly broken love that will capture the dreamer "with his head" and resist this feeling he can not, and will not. Or it will be an acquaintance with an influential person who, in addition to patronage, will become a true friend for many long times.

Why dream of the rain outside the window?

If a dreamer from a room watches a shower in the street, then the rain in the window is what dreams in this case? Streams of water that fall from the sky - symbolize the feelings and emotions of man and represent a barrier between reality and the desired, imaginary world. Therefore, to observe from the side, as the downpour begins, it means - to survive in the not too distant future a period of spiritual stagnation, a depression about the fact that everything is not developing as we would like.

But this black band in life should not be afraid. Psychologists say that the time of sadness and sadness is not apathy and inaction, but, on the contrary, a period of internal struggle and preparation that promises qualitative cardinal changes in life. A person realizes that it is no longer possible to live like this and commits an act that turns everything "upside down". And it will be a necessary fateful breakthrough, after which events will be built along a chain that points the way to well-being.

Why do you dream of hail with rain?

In a dream rain can present "surprises" in the form of hail. To dream in a dream rain with lumps of ice - these images are unfavorable. It is necessary to pay attention to the details:

Dream interpretation rain with hail explains how the advent of the black period in life. It will necessarily be a bright time, but now it is worth to prepare for the fact that the woes will fall on the unfortunate as a "snowball." It is worth it to cope with one problem, as there will be a new one. You need to be able to maneuver in life's troubles, without lowering your hands.

If something does not work, then after the next attempt a positive result will not keep you waiting. A period of worries and troubles will only temper the character. When the dark time is over, the dreamer will be surprised to find that he treats the past with gratitude. After all, it taught him to be stronger and more determined.

Why does it rain and lightning?

The raging element can be a happy omen, and a messenger of trouble. The dreamer should pay attention to:

A heavy rain in a dream with lightning symbolizes the onset of changes that will bring chaos and confusion to life, but in time their meaning will become clear. If the lightning flashed over your head - you need to wait for unexpected news. About him they say that it was "out of the book". For example, a novice writer sends his essay to the publishing house and he receives a letter about a long-term contract. Another example: a woman who is diagnosed with infertility, learns during a medical examination that she is pregnant.

Black lightning, sparkling in the heavy clouds hanging over the earth - messengers of misfortune. If the lightning flares up somewhere alongside another person - the changes will affect this "guest". Lightning, which hit the dreamer's house - symbolizes news that will affect the fate of all family members. Such a dream gives additional "bonuses" to those who in reality like to watch a thunderstorm and are not afraid of bright flashes in the sky.

Why does it rain and snow?

If there was a heavy rain with snow, then the life trials come. A person's life is similar to a zebra - behind a dark strip must necessarily be white. Snowflakes symbolize minor troubles and troubles, but they are short-lived. Light and heat turn them into water. In the near future dreamer awaits unpleasant events, from which he will learn a certain lesson, and afterwards will not repeat the mistakes made. The black period will necessarily be followed by a time of joyful discovery.

What does the rain in the house dream about?

What does it mean in a dream rain that enters the house through an open gap in the roof or does the water flow penetrate the room through window or doorways? Such a dream says that in the future there are risky enterprises that will have a negative impact on the health and well-being of close people. Therefore, before you commit a reckless act, you should weigh all the pros and cons.

Why does the bloody rain dream?

A terrible sight in a dream is the flow of blood from the sky. To see in a dream rain, which in reality viewers see except in horror films - a difficult test for the dreamer. He is overtaken by hard times associated with the loss of an honest name, squabbles and strife, sown by people he knows well. Against the dreamer, war will be declared.

With a feeling of bitter disappointment, he will have to break old ties and part with those whom he had previously known well. This can be a betrayal of a friend, "squatting" a colleague at work, persecuting less fortunate neighbors along the street. The blow will be done unexpectedly, stealthily. It is worth carefully weighing words and deeds so that they are not used against the dreamer. Dreams of rain, mixed with blood, explains how the betrayals of people who have become virtually native.

What is the dream of a fiery rain?

A flurry of negative emotions also arises when a meteor shower struck. This is no longer a wonderful picture of the stars falling from the night sky, but a real "illustration" of the apocalypse . In the atmosphere there are fiery meteorites, which crash into the earth's thickness and leave large destruction. To fall under the rain in a dream, when the heavenly bodies fall - means to receive a sign from above. It is necessary to analyze the sensations that caused the vision:

Why does it rain in rocks?

Stone pieces are a symbol of a spiritual load, callousness, enmity. If a dream of a dream of rocks, you need to be prepared for the numerous accusations and accusations against you. The ill-wisher is able to set up the whole group against the dreamer. To go in the rain in a dream, getting stumbling stones - there is a serious test in the form of humiliations, the purpose of which will be an attempt to "kneel down", "bend over". It is necessary to be able to emerge adequately from this situation, preserving clear thinking and self-control.