Radermacher - signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions concerning indoor plants, so the Radermacher came to this list far from accident. Some of them, for example, a money tree or a fat woman, are responsible for wealth in the house, and dracene absorbs negative energy and purifies the air. Anyway, flowers and plants are present on the windowsills in almost every house and it would be interesting to know what properties they possess.

Signs for the home, concerning the Radermaker

If you turn to the teachings of Feng Shui , you can find out that this small strongly branched and fast-growing shrub with shiny leaves of rich green color is beneficial for the atmosphere in the dwelling, eliminates boredom and sadness. Signs associated with the Radermacher are positive, because in the house where this plant is present, there is always a benevolent atmosphere. All family members sensitively catch each other's mood and try to make everyone feel cozy and comfortable. The plant extinguishes the entire negative, calms, tunes to the right wave and helps to focus on what is really important, and forget about minor problems and troubles.

According to the signs, the flower of the radermaker should be purchased and decorated for those who are engaged in any spiritual practices, strives to know themselves and the world around them. His energy is able to activate the spiritual chakras, to open channels through which the soul communicates with the higher mind and higher power. If the plant dies under conditions that are ideally provided for it, then it is considered that it removes from the host a strong evil eye , spoilage or serious illness. Therefore, do not be afraid to decorate your windowsill with this evergreen shrub: it will fill the house with coziness and warmth, will promote the establishment of friendly relations between all members of the family.