Pigmentary nevus

Cells that contain a high concentration of melanin are non -ocytes. Their accumulation leads to the formation of a mole, which in medicine is called a pigment nevus. It is considered a benign skin lesion and usually does not cause complications, although some subspecies of pathology increase the risk of melanoma incidence.

Pigment or melanocytic nevus - causes

All the factors that cause congestion in one zone of non -ocytes have not yet been established. Only the following are known:

There are several types of disease, the most common of which will be discussed below.

Giant pigment nevus of the skin

The type of pathology considered was due to the size of the neoplasm - from 20 cm. This nevus is a congenital disease and remains on the body for life.


It is worth noting that, due to various damages to the nevus, it can lead to the development of melanoma. Therefore, the best way to avoid severe consequences is considered to be surgical removal. In case of impossibility to perform the operation, the patient should visit the oncologist and dermatologist for preventive examinations at least once a year.

Intradermal pigmentary nevus

Among ordinary people, this kind of pathology is called a birthmark. It can be located both on the surface of the skin and on the mucous membranes.

As a rule, the intradermal nevus does not cause any inconvenience. Treatment is also not required, since the birthmark never becomes the cause of skin cancer .

Border pigmentary nevus

The described form of pathology is located most often on the feet, palms and genitals. Neoplasm usually small, not more than 1 cm, rarely larger sizes (up to 50 mm) are encountered.

A characteristic feature of the border nevus is the absence of hair in the area of ​​its localization. The mole has the appearance of a flat nodule of dark brown or black color.

Given the high risk of degeneration of this type of disease into malignant melanoma, neoplasm should be removed as early as possible by laser coagulation or surgery.

Pigmentary papillomatous nevus

The warty appearance of the disease is quite large (up to 4 cm) and is often located on the neck, just behind the hair growth line or on the head.

Education is similar to papilloma, characteristic features are uneven edges, a noticeable elevation above the level of healthy epidermis and a dark color. On such a nevus, hard black hair usually grows.

Despite the safety of the papillomatous form of the pathology, it is recommended to treat it surgically, since involuntary mechanical damage to the wart often leads to the development of subcutaneous inflammation due to infection.

Pigmentary nevus of the eye

This accumulation of melanocytic cells is localized in the area of ​​contact between the cornea and the sclera. It can have a large diameter and a different color.

Conjunctival nevus lends itself exclusively to surgical treatment, the expediency of which should be determined by an ophthalmologist after a series of laboratory studies.