Sign - the right cheek burns

When a person's right cheek burns, a sign can indicate that someone is remembering him. However, the precise interpretation of this phenomenon depends on the day of the week it is associated with and whether it is accompanied by any other sensations.

What does it mean if the right cheek burns?

Not everyone knows why the right cheek burns and what the sign says. Try to hold the gold ring over the skin: if there is a black trace, then someone curses you or even wants you to die. If the band is red, then they are talking about you in a neutral way, bright - you are praised.

To determine more precisely what the burning right cheek offers you, you can pay attention to the day of the week:

Sign - simultaneously burns the right cheek and ear

If you burn not only the right cheek, but also the ear, then the value of the sign changes somewhat. Most likely, it is a sign that you have become the subject of a very active discussion of a whole group of people. For example, someone let a gossip about you in the team, which quickly spread and became common property. Be prepared for the interested views of colleagues and do not pay too much attention to them. Usually, such conversations quickly come to naught, as soon as a new object for gossip appears on the horizon. In addition, the cheek and ear burning at the same time can be a reminder of what you have completely forgotten: the anniversary of a joint life with a loved one, the birthday of someone close, the meeting of graduates, etc.