Why does it rain?

Rain is a natural phenomenon that can have both positive and negative character. Moisture nourishes the earth and enables living beings to evolve and grow. Heavy rains, provoke a flood, which destroys everything in its path. Such ambiguity has also dreams , in which this natural phenomenon figured. To obtain specific information, in addition to the main object, it is necessary to recall as much detail as possible, for example, what was the rain, its consequences, and also your actions. All this will allow you to learn about the events of the future and the present.

Why does it rain?

Often such a dream is an indication that you are wasting your time. To see rain in sunny weather means you can wait for positive changes in life. Mushroom rain is a favorable symbol, foretold, a meeting with a good man, with whom it will be possible to build strong relationships. Large, cloudy drops, falling from the sky, foreshadow a meeting with an unpleasant person from the past, which will leave behind a bad feeling. Rusty rain prophesies troubles, organized by enemies, which can adversely affect the reputation.

Sleep, where you watched the rain with hail, warns that you need to suspend the implementation of the planned plans, otherwise you can expect failure. Fire fallout is a negative sign that promises serious problems. To see a bloody rain in a dream means that in reality you will have to be in the center of a scandal. If meteor shower is dreaming - this is a warning about the occurrence of numerous problems, which will have to be dealt with solely on their own.

Why does it rain heavily?

In this case, night vision predicts a strong failure. Rain by a wall is a harbinger of an unpleasant incident, for example, it can be a quarrel with a colleague or a relative. Downpour dreams before the emergence of numerous problems that will have to be solved instantly. If you watch the heavy rain through the window, then in the future the financial situation will improve significantly, and also you will meet true love. Cold rain is an unfavorable symbol that promises the emergence of problems in family relationships.

Why dream of hiding from the pouring rain?

If you managed not to get wet in the rain - this is an indication that in reality you will avoid a conflict that will concern work. Night vision, where you hid from the weather, foreshadows the emergence of a new patron who will help in solving many existing problems. If you use an umbrella to hide from the rain, then, thanks to your foresight, you will be able to cope with impending troubles. One of the dream-dreams is a dream that symbolizes that you have the ability to avoid conflict and unpleasant situations.

Why does it rain?

Such a natural phenomenon indicates a chance to enjoy life quietly. Ahead you can expect the onset of the "white strip". For people in relationships, such a dream means harmony and love.

Why dream of getting into the rain?

If you get wet in the rain, then soon there will be a stagnation in business. It may also mean that you will face your enemy to the nose. The dream, in which you are caught in the rain, warns that because of the tricks of enemies, the state of mind and the attitude of the surrounding people will worsen. For a fair sex, this night vision predicts changes in life that can affect any life sphere.

Why does it rain?

Such a dream warns that soon you will have to justify yourself because of previous actions.