Goat Milk Fat

Hearing the word milk, we immediately have an association with the cow. It is not she alone who supplies us with this product.

Of course, cow milk is more common than goat, for example. And it's a pity, because goat does not even yield to cow's milk in nutrition, moreover, there is an opinion that goat is not only on par with cow, but exceeds it at times. And all, thanks to the truly healing properties, which are due to the rich composition.

Composition and fat content of goat milk

It contains many micronutrients and vitamins. The composition of goat milk includes trace elements such as calcium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus , and vitamins A, PP, C, D and B2 are present. Goat's milk is an excellent source of protein, it contains albumin, globulin and casein.

Another not less important indicator is the fat content of goat's milk. This fat helps to strengthen immunity and due to the acids contained in it, it normalizes cholesterol metabolism. So how much fat in goat's milk?

Goat's milk is much fatter than cow's milk. The lipid index reaches about 4%. Fat balls in goat's milk are much less than cow's milk, but they are larger. It is in the form of these balls to be fat in milk. Calorie content of goat milk is 68 kcal per 100 g.

About the therapeutic properties of goat's milk is known to almost every inveterate lover of dairy products. Since ancient times it has been famous for its miraculous abilities, though due to its high fat content, it should not be consumed by "liters" while dieting. The rest - solid pluses.

Very useful goat's milk will be for colds, diseases of the digestive system, with osteoporosis and bronchitis. Goat's milk is easily digested, it normalizes metabolism , which makes it an excellent alternative to a cow for diets.