Nutrition after caesarean section for a nursing mother

Both in pregnancy and right after it, the life of a young mother undergoes serious changes. Including, it concerns the diet. Many products that a woman could eat before without fear, can now cause harm to a newborn baby, so they must at least temporarily be deleted.

Particularly attentive to their diet should be women giving birth after cesarean section. Immediately after the birth of the baby, they, like other young mothers, begin to develop breastfeeding, so you need to carefully select products. At the same time, since the birth was not natural, certain nuances of the post-operative diet must also be observed.

In this article, we will tell you what should be the food after cesarean section for a nursing mother immediately after the birth of crumbs to light.

Nursing mother feeding after caesarean section

Within a day after the operation, it is better not to eat any food at all. At the same time, you need to drink at least 1 and not more than 1.5 liters of ordinary water without gas. For those who experience an intolerable feeling of hunger, a small snack is allowed, however, products that are capable of provoking excessive gas formation should be avoided. In any case, before you eat any dish, be sure to consult a doctor.

Over the next two days you will have to eat a little bit 5-6 times a day. The following products are allowed:

Also do not forget about the need to drink a variety of liquids - plain water, fruit drinks, compotes, tea and so on.

Four days after the operation, you can gradually add to the menu past the thermal treatment of vegetables and fruits, various cereals and flour products. Try to minimize the consumption of spicy and fried foods, sweets, smoked foods and marinades.

Introducing new products into the diet, closely monitor the baby's condition and note the manifestations of any allergic reactions.