Planting lilies in spring

All gardeners, who first encounter lilies, excite one and the same question: is it possible to plant lilies in the spring and when is it better to do it at all? In general, lilies are most often planted in the soil in the fall. But it is also known that garden lilies can be planted in soil not only in autumn, but also in spring. So the choice of the landing time remains on the conscience of the gardener - he is allowed to choose the time that more suits him personally. But after planting a plant it is necessary to think not only about its convenience, but also about how it will be better for the plant. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the spring planting of lilies, as well as the transplantation of lilies in the spring.

Planting lilies in spring or still in autumn?

So, about the time of planting lilies there are so many different opinions. Someone argues that the planting of lilies in the ground should be carried out in early spring or early May. And someone claims that planting lilies in spring in general is not useful for them and they can be planted only in the autumn time from the beginning of September and to the first days of October. Who should believe and how to correctly determine the time for planting lilies?

If you observe the flowering of lilies in nature, in natural conditions, you can come to the conclusion that for their planting the best time really is autumn. Why? It's simple. Lilies bloom towards the end of summer and "hibernate," that is, enter the so-called resting state. This period ends in a few weeks and the lily begins to develop actively. The lily has roots, and the bulb grows throughout the winter time. As a result, as soon as the spring heat comes, the lily is ready to give the flower bud. That is, during the winter time this flower develops, in order to be ready for flowering in the spring. In addition, during the rest period, which occurs after flowering, all plants are much more tolerant of transplantation. So fall , where is the best time to plant than spring. But still and the spring planting has its pluses.

Lilies - planting in spring and care

Planting lilies in the spring in spring is sometimes necessary, if you simply can not plant flowers in the fall. And in general there can be many reasons that made you choose this time for planting lilies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this time of year for planting lilies?

Pros of planting lilies in spring:

Disadvantages of planting lilies in spring:

In principle, the disadvantages are not much more pluses, if you take into account also those disadvantages, which were agreed somewhat earlier. In addition, it is necessary to consider the variety of lilies. For example, North American lilies can not be planted in spring, as they will perish, but Oriental hybrids from spring planting can only win.

How to plant lilies in the spring?

Most often in the spring, lily bulbs are planted in the ground. You can use for this purpose bulbs, dug up in the fall and before that the moment stored in the refrigerator or buy the bulbs in the store. This is the most convenient way to plant lilies.

Can I transplant lilies in the spring?

If we sorted out with the landing and came to the conclusion that with certain qualities of lilies, planting in the spring could even do them good, then it's undesirable to replant lilies in the spring. In spring, the lilies are already preparing for flowering, so they can be injured or even destroyed by transplantation. It is better to transplant in the autumn, when the lily enters a period of rest.