Why does it scratch your back?

Itching of the body is the cause of physical and mental discomfort. Particularly worried about the condition when the back is constantly scratched. We learn the opinion of specialists about why this happens.

Pathological causes of itching of the back

The identification of the cause of pruritus is necessary to effectively get rid of an unpleasant sensation. In addition, dermatologists believe that it is impossible not to ignore the problem of bodily itch also because it is the most pronounced symptom of a number of contagious diseases. The most common causes of pruritus are:

  1. Allergy - increased reactivity of the body to certain products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc. Atopic dermatitis is manifested in the form of a small rash, blisters and swelling.
  2. Neurodermatitis is a neuro-allergic etiology. Suddenly, small papules appear in the body in the form of plaques, which can burst and form long non-passing spots.
  3. Scabies is a contagious disease that occurs due to parasitism on the skin of an itch mite. A characteristic feature of the disease is the intensification of itching in the evening and at night. It is at this time of the day that microscopic parasites activate and create new passages in the epidermis of skin.
  4. Infectious skin lesions with the formation of acne and pustules. Most often, the itch accompanies such dermatological infections as folliculitis , the emperor.
  5. Xeroderma. If the back is constantly or periodically itching in one place, then it is necessary to carefully inspect the skin with a double mirror. Most likely, you will notice in the problem area peeling and redness in the form of a stain. Thus, the hereditary disease of xeroderma is manifested.
  6. Violation of the function of the sebaceous glands leads to seborrhea - a disease associated with excessive production of sebaceous secretions and changes in its chemical composition. Visually, the skin covers look thick and shiny, with the mouths of the glands becoming especially prominent on them. Much less common is dry seborrhea, when the upper layer of the skin is much thinner, flakes and therefore itches.
  7. Fungal diseases , mainly red lichen planus.
  8. Psoriasis. Silvery whitish itchy plaques on the body, including the back, are characteristic of this chronic autoimmune disease.

Why does it hurt to spin in the area of ​​the scapula?

Often the back itches in the area of ​​scapula. Constant itching in the scapular region signals the development of the following diseases:

Non-pathological causes of itching

It is not always the cause of the itching of the back are the disease. So the back can itch:

Despite the abundance of means for caring for the body, some unscrupulous people spin and other parts of the body itch, because the basic sanitary and hygienic rules are not observed. Fortunately, the explicit disregard for the rules of human hostel is rare. But the wrong choice of hygiene products, without taking into account the type of skin, is a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, if you purchase a new body care product without first having read the attached instructions, do not be surprised if you feel the back and other parts of your body after bathing or showering.