Diet with dermatitis

Diet for allergic or seborrheic dermatitis, as well as for all other types of this disease, is a necessity that will help you achieve positive results in treatment.

Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis: a prohibited list

The diet for dermatitis in children in adults is characterized, first of all, by a number of strict limitations, which in no case can not be ignored. So, the following are excluded from the ration:

Diet with perioral and contact dermatitis also implies a restriction in the use of fresh fruits and any broths on meat. It is not necessary to exclude them altogether, but you should eat only a little, not more than 1 small portion a day.

Atopic dermatitis in children and adults: diet

In fact, this strict diet is not that strict - dermatitis of any type allows the use of the following products:

However, the diet with Dühring dermatitis, as with some other types of dermatitis, may include a more varied menu. To find out which foods you can additionally include in the diet, just hand in the necessary tests for this in the hospital and check with your doctor.

Features of diets with dermatitis

Each of the diets has its own characteristics. So, for example, if the cause of dermatitis is a mold, the list of excluded gets all the dairy products. Dermatitis in children often causes the most common fruits and berries, so include them in the diet should be very cautious.

If we are talking about seborrheic dermatitis, which is often affected by adolescents, it is necessary to exclude salt from the diet and all industrial products that are prepared with the use of salt, and the diet should be low in carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is worth taking brewer's yeast or vitamin B in any form.

A feature of the diet for oral dermatitis is the avoidance of coarse fibrous food, which can cause damage to the oral cavity.

Do not forget about the exclusion of all harmful products: smoked products, sweets, canned food, pickles, fast food, sodas and other.