Red scales on the body

The appearance on the body of red peeling spots causes understandable alarm: the reason for their occurrence is not clear, and can be very serious. In fact, the rash and spots often signal an internal disease, a hormonal disorder or an allergic manifestation. Let's try to understand, the symptoms of which diseases and pathological changes in the body are red flaky spots on the body.

Reasons for the appearance of red spots

Atopic dermatitis

The most common cause of red spots is allergy. Allergens can be chocolate, honey, nuts, citrus, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc. If there is an allergy to a product or a perfume and cosmetic product, it should be abandoned. Sometimes a rash occurs when eating disorders are disturbed. In this case, you should adjust your diet, giving up fatty, sharp, fried foods.

Infectious Diseases

Small flaky spots on the body are typical for some infectious diseases, such as:

As recovery, the rashes come to naught, leaving no traces.


The frequent cause of the appearance of ugly reddish spots on the body, which are also scaly and itchy, are fungal diseases. According to the location and appearance of the formations, the dermatologist determines the variety of the fungus, but for a more precise determination of the type of mycosis, and therefore the necessary therapy, it is advisable to pass scraping from the skin. Common fungal diseases are:

Pink lichen

A pink lichen is similar to mycosis, a viral disease. It is caused by herpes of the 6th or 7th type. It manifests itself as a disease in the form of round spots on the body, which are flaky and itch unbearably. Treatment of pink lichen is carried out by antiviral drugs.

Seborrheic Eczema

The result of insufficient skin care, hormonal disorders, stressful situations is seborrhoeic eczema , manifested as spotted inflammation of the skin. In some cases, the disease is hereditary.


If the skin on the body is peeling pink patches with whitish scales, it becomes thicker in the affected areas and it itches - this is a sign of psoriasis. The disease has autoimmune causes, not quite clear to modern science. Treatment, appointed by a dermatologist, will help to level out the manifestations of a serious disease.

Attention! Self-treatment of skin diseases is fraught with consequences. The exact diagnosis of the disease will be determined only by the doctor after the examination.