Mineral baths - indications and contraindications

Mineral baths (balneotherapy) - one of the types of physiotherapy, for which water is used with the content of different salts and minerals of at least 2 g / liter.

Types of mineral baths

For therapeutic baths can be used as natural mineral water (usually in the sanatoriums located next to mineral springs) and artificial. Depending on the chemical composition among the mineral waters, there are:

In addition, depending on the gas content, there may be nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide and carbonic mineral baths.

Useful properties of mineral baths

Therapeutic baths have a relaxing, restorative and soothing effect. They stimulate metabolic processes, increase immunity, can have antiseptic action, promote the acceleration of skin regeneration, improve blood circulation and normalize the endocrine system.

Indications and contraindications for mineral baths

The general indications for the use of mineral baths include:

Mineral baths are contraindicated in:

Separately it is worth noting such a disease as hypertension : at a pronounced increased pressure, mineral baths are contraindicated, whereas in a stable state they can be used as one of the elements of therapy.