Anti-cellulite massager

Cellulite is one of the most common problems in modern cosmetology. To combat it there are many means: creams, lotions, various therapeutic procedures among which one of the most popular is massage. It can be carried out both by the masseur, and with the help of special devices, and the advantage of the latter is that they do not require visiting the salon, but they allow you to carry out anti-cellulite massage and at home.

The choice of anti-cellulite massagers is great enough. Let's try to understand their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of anti-cellulite massagers

Such adaptations can be divided into several principles:

  1. According to the type of action: vacuum, vibration, mechanical.
  2. In the form of massage elements: needle and roller.
  3. By force of action: manual and electric.

Hand-held anti-cellulite massager

This category is usually attributed to various massage brushes for the body, as well as roller anti-cellulite massagers:

  1. Anti-cellulite massage gloves. Usually they are a mitten or a brush with pimples. There are plastic, less often - tissue. Such anti-cellulite massagers can be used for the whole body and are usually applied in a thermae, in the shower.
  2. Roller anti-cellulite massagers. Usually it's a roller or a cogwheel on the handle. Can be made of wood, rubber, plastic. Massage is carried out by rolling the roller along the massage zone, necessarily with pressure. Roller massager can be used on dry skin, at any convenient moment. The most popular in this category are wooden anti-cellulite massagers. When choosing such a device, you should pay attention to the quality of the material: the rubber should not have an unpleasant smell, the paint on the plastic should not climb, the tree should be polished and do not have chips, burrs. For a wooden massager, the entire working surface is especially important, as otherwise it can become a source of splinters and scratches.
  3. Massager "Octopus". A hand-held massager, quite popular in recent times, made in the form of an octopus. It can be effective, but the round head is not very comfortable to hold, and with a massage, a large pushing force is required to get the desired effect.

Electric anti-cellulite massager

Electrical are all devices that have external power from the battery or network. Their obvious advantage is that the use of such massagers does not require additional physical effort, and the spectrum of possible impact is much wider. Electric massagers are usually sold with several nozzles and can combine several types of devices. Such a device can be both vibration-needle and vacuum-roller. In addition, electric massagers help to effectively affect the deeper layers of fat deposits.

Vacuum anti-cellulite massager

Such anti-cellulite massage can be carried out manually, with the help of vacuum cans , or with a device with a special nozzle.

Vacuum this massage is called because under the nozzle creates a region of lower pressure, it actually "sucked" to the skin, after which the jar or a nozzle is carried over the skin, thus massaging. Such influence promotes stimulation of blood circulation, destruction of fat cells. Vacuum massage is not recommended for people with excessively sensitive skin, prone to bruising. Also, it is contraindicated in varicose veins, colds, exacerbations of chronic diseases.

What anti-cellulite massager is better, it is difficult to say, and everything depends on personal preferences, possibilities and the desired effect. Thus, hand massagers have a more sparing effect, are cheaper, more durable, and do not require additional conditions. Electric have a deeper effect, and they should be used according to the instructions, but they are more expensive and may have contraindications.