Why does my chest itch?

With this kind of phenomenon, when the chest is scratched, many women face, but why itching in the mammary gland is not known to everyone. Let's try to understand this issue, considering the situation when such symptoms require a doctor.

What diseases can cause itching of the breast?

Causes explaining why the chest is scratched in women, there may be many. In some cases, doctors can not accurately identify the one that caused the violation in a particular case. However, the most common symptomatology is observed with the following violations:

  1. Mastitis . It develops mainly in lactating women. The cause of it is the stagnation of milk in the ducts of the glands. Itching is the initial symptom of the disorder, which is followed by puffiness, hyperemia, a feeling of bursting, an increase in body temperature.
  2. Paget's disease . The development of this disorder in most cases is the answer to the question of why the nipples are scratched on the chest. The disease is characterized by an oncological process, which is localized in the areola region and passes partly to the nipples.
  3. A characteristic feature of the disorder is the fact that with such a disease, the nipple is drawn in. In order to exclude this, a woman with a similar symptom is prescribed a mammogram. For the prevention of the disease and its timely detection, each woman aged 40-50 years, must undergo a survey once a year.

  4. Fungal infection. Often, when explaining the reasons why a woman has itching under the breast, doctors diagnose the fungus. It appears, as a rule, when the hygiene rules are not respected. Due to the fact that when the breast is under the bra, a large amount of sweat is produced, sebum accumulates, which is an excellent substrate for fungal growth.

Because of what else can the itching of the mammary gland appear?

Often, when establishing the reason why the left or right chest is scratched strongly, it appears that the appearance of this symptom is due to external factors not related to health.

So, for example, a close-fitting, not-sized brassiere, can cause itching. In this case, the woman notes that it itches directly in the place that there are traces of linen.

Separately it is necessary to say about such a phenomenon as chemical irritation. In such cases, the mammary glands are itchy because of the presence of a certain kind of chemical compounds in the fabric of the brassiere. Choosing underwear girl always needs to pay attention to its composition and give preference to natural. If you do not take any action, then in the course of time you may experience allergic dermatitis. In turn, this disease is characterized not only by itching, but also by the appearance of blisters, rashes.

What to do when the chest itches?

Independently to the girl to establish, why at it the chest is scratched, in most cases it is not possible. This is explained by the large number of possible causes leading to the development of such symptoms.

The only true solution in this situation is to seek advice from a mammologist. After examining the breast, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis, and will prescribe an examination. Most often, they resort to the help of a mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy (with a suspicion of oncology).

Of great importance in such cases is the timely application for medical advice. The earlier the diagnosis is established and the necessary treatment is started, the higher the probability that a woman will manage to avoid the development of an oncological disease.