Thyroid cancer - symptoms, causes, treatment and prognosis of all types of oncology

Thyroid cancer is a disease that is diagnosed not so rarely. It occurs in 1% of cases of all cancers. In women, this pathology is diagnosed three times more often than in the stronger sex. The peak incidence is observed in women aged 45-60 years.

Thyroid cancer - causes

To date, specialists can not say with absolute certainty what specifically caused this pathology. However, they identify a number of factors that increase the risk of malignant growth. Among them, the greater impact is exerted by such circumstances:

  1. Hereditary predisposition - recently scientists have identified a gene transmitted from close relatives, which is responsible for the development of this disease. If it is present in the body, the probability of occurrence of oncology is 100%.
  2. Harmful working conditions - especially dangerous work of medical personnel in contact with ionizing radiation is considered. Also in a group of high-risk workers are "hot" shops and those whose activities are related to heavy metals.
  3. Radioactive exposure - after the Chernobyl accident, oncology of the thyroid gland in a number of located areas was diagnosed 15 times more often than before this event. Danger is borne even by radioactive rains falling out every time after a nuclear weapon test.
  4. Excessive stress - a strong nervous shock and depression adversely affect the state of immunity. As a result, the protective system can not destroy cancer cells.
  5. Harmful habits - in tobacco smoke contain carcinogens, which poison the body. Weaken the immune system and alcohol.

Cancer of the thyroid gland can provoke such factors:

Thyroid cancer - classification

There are several types of malignant formation. Depending on the histological structure of thyroid cancer, the species has these:

Papillary thyroid cancer

This is the most common form of malignant neoplasm: it is diagnosed in 80% of cases. The disease received its name from the Latin word, literally translated "papilla". This is how the tumor looks: on its surface there are protrusions resembling externally papillae. Papillary thyroid cancer is considered a highly differentiated pathology. In other words, its cells do not look at first sight, as healthy.

When studying under a microscope of the thyroid gland in healthy people, in 10% of cases tiny formations are found. More often such tumors do not have an effect. If they start to grow, it is necessary to act urgently. Such a cancer of the thyroid gland is not inclined to let metastases. In addition, it is well treatable if you seek medical help on time.

Medullary thyroid cancer

This type of malignant formation is very rare: it is diagnosed in 5-8% of cases. Medullary thyroid cancer is dangerous because the tumor through the capsule can sprout into the trachea. Simultaneously, it is possible to damage the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and other internal organs. The danger of this type of cancer is that it is aggressive and is developing at a rapid pace.

Follicular thyroid cancer

This type of malignant formation is considered the second most common after the papillary form. Outwardly, the tumor resembles a bubble, which is why this disease has received such a name. More often such a disease is diagnosed in those whose diet is poor in iodine-containing foods. Follicular thyroid cancer in 30% of cases does not spread to neighboring tissues and does not germinate into blood vessels. However, this disease can behave aggressively. It can affect not only the lymph nodes and blood vessels, but also bones and lungs.

Anaplastic thyroid cancer

This disease is diagnosed very rarely. It is characterized by the development in the gland of atypical cells. Anaplastic thyroid cancer is characterized by an intensive proliferation of tissues. The gland greatly increases in size, squeezing the adjacent organs. This is fraught with problems with swallowing and breathing. More often this disease is diagnosed in the elderly.

Thyroid cancer - symptoms

The development of this malignant formation is accompanied by certain signs. Thyroid cancer symptoms in women have these:

Stages of thyroid cancer

Any cancer education goes through four stages of development. When determining the stage, the doctor takes into account the following features:

Thyroid cancer passes through such stages of development:

  1. Tumor in diameter is less than 2 cm, malignant formation does not deform the capsule. At this stage there are no metastases.
  2. Large single tumor or many small formations. On the side of the thyroid gland, where they are located, metastases may appear.
  3. The tumor increases and grows into a capsule. It can be soldered to the tissues of the trachea. At this stage, metastases affect both parts of the thyroid gland.
  4. The tumor grows deeply. Thyroid cancer (stage 4) can be detected with the naked eye. In the anterior part of the neck a large lump is formed. It is enlarged in the size of the thyroid gland. Metastases affect a number of adjacent organs and tissues.

Thyroid cancer - diagnosis

If anxiety symptoms are found, you should immediately contact a doctor. First of all, he will carefully listen to the patient, will examine and palpate the thyroid and neck. If he observes deviations from the norm, he will recommend to undergo such examination:

Thyroid cancer - treatment

There are several ways to combat such a disease. Their choice depends on the type of lesion, its size, the presence of metastases and so on. Cancer of the thyroid gland is treated in such ways:

Thyroid cancer - clinical recommendations

At the initial stages of the problem, correctly selected medication therapy helps to cope. In this case, such drugs can be used:

If thyroid cancer is diagnosed, the doctor will recommend the recommendations with respect to nutrition. It is important to enrich the diet with such iodine-containing products:

Thyroid cancer - surgery

There are such types of surgical intervention:

If thyroid cancer has spread metastases inside the capsule, the doctor deems it necessary to remove the affected tissue as soon as possible. Treatment in this case is represented by the following stages:

  1. Preparation of the patient - you need to pass all the tests necessary for the operation. By the time this procedure is performed, a person should not have acute infectious diseases or worsened chronic diseases.
  2. Consultations with an anesthesiologist, surgeon and therapist - the patient has the right to know how the operation will be performed, and what such interference is fraught with.
  3. Introduction of general anesthesia - a person is in a state of deep sleep, he does not experience pain or any other discomfort.
  4. Directly performing the operation - the duration of the procedure depends on its complexity. If the thyroid gland is supposed to be removed, the surgical intervention will be performed in an hour. When excision and affected lymph nodes are required, the procedure can be delayed for 2-3 hours.
  5. Postoperative rehabilitation - the patient was prescribed a strict bed rest for the first 24 hours. The drainage is installed in the hole where the operation was performed. On this tube outward comes the sap. A day later drainage is removed and bandaged. After the thyroid cancer has been operated, the patient is discharged home for 2-3 days. However, he needs to visit the surgeon on a regular basis so that he can assess how well everything heals and what the condition of a person is.

Thyroid cancer - prognosis

In determining this factor, the histological structure of the lesion plays a decisive role.

Oncology of the thyroid gland more often has this:

  1. Anaplastic cancer is almost 100% likely to die.
  2. Medullary form - has a low survival rate.
  3. Follicular type - less aggressive than the above varieties. He has a good indicator of a favorable outcome, especially in patients younger than 50.
  4. Papillary cancer after surgery of the thyroid gland - has the most optimistic prognosis. According to statistics, the probability of cure is more than 90%.