What is progesterone in women?

In the female, progesterone is secreted by the yellow body of the ovaries and the adrenal glands by synthesis from cholesterol. Its level is subject to jumps in different phases of the menstrual cycle: it grows in the first phase, reaching its climax to ovulation, and in the case of pregnancy increases further, and if there was no conception, it decreases.

What is the effect of progesterone?

Its influence is directly related to sexual function. He is responsible for a number of processes that take place within the female body:

What does progesterone show?

The normal level of a hormone in a woman indicates that her childbearing function is not impaired. At the same time, there are indicators of the norm for pregnant women, for non-pregnant and not using oral contraceptives, and for women who take them.

What does progesterone do?

Progesterone in women testifies to successful conception and immediately after ovulation prepares the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy. If in the early term its level is insufficient, then the risk of miscarriage is high. Also, its reduced level in the II phase of the cycle threatens the development of uterine fibroids , endometriosis and other diseases. Progesterone is responsible for the presence of a maternal instinct and prepares the mammary glands to produce milk after childbirth.

What does elevated progesterone indicate?

The reasons can be several:

Interacting with other hormones, progesterone is responsible for women's health in general. He provides the most important female function - the conception and birth of a baby, affects the mother's feelings and inner harmony. Therefore, it is important to regularly take an analysis to exclude abnormalities in the childbearing function.