Signs of a micro stroke in women

Under the informal term "microinsult" is understood as an acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain, as a result of which a small part of the brain damaged. The cause of this may be spasm, rupture of the vessel feeding this part of the brain, or blockage of its thrombus.

Since the damage to the brain tissue in this case is not as extensive as in stroke, with timely treatment, the chances for a complete recovery are very high. Conversely, if immediately after the first signs and symptoms of a micro-stroke, there is no treatment, the consequences of this in women can be sad.

It is difficult to start treatment in time, because a microstroke is often not diagnosed on time, because The first pathological signs may be so not expressed that they are simply ignored. Sometimes they are written off for fatigue, emotional stress, a bad dream the day before. Therefore, every woman will not be hindered from having a clear idea of ​​how this condition manifests, in order to identify him in time and seek medical help.

The first signs of a micro-stroke in women

The clinical picture in a micro stroke is determined by the mechanism of the development of the disturbance of blood flow to the brain, the localization of the affected vessel and the area of ​​the brain, for what functions this site is responsible, etc. In this regard, the first signs vary in a fairly wide range, can be characterized by varying intensity.

The following signs must be guarded:

To understand that the microinsult really happened, you can use these tests:

  1. When hands are extended forward with palms upwards with closed eyes in a sick person, one of the hands "leaves" down and to the side.
  2. With the simultaneous erection of both hands overhead, the person who underwent a micro stroke, raises them at different speeds or at different heights.
  3. The tongue out of the mouth is bent or turned to the side.
  4. When you try to smile, one of the corners of your lips "looks" down.
  5. The speech of the person with whom the stroke occurred was inhibited, indistinct, like a drunk speech.

Treatment of micro-stroke

A micro stroke should be provided no later than six hours after the event, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible. First of all, you should call a team of doctors. Prior to her arrival, the following actions are recommended:

  1. Lay the patient on his right side, giving the head and shoulders an elevated position (lay a pillow or platen of clothes).
  2. Remove or loosen up tight clothes, ensure the flow of fresh air.
  3. If possible, measure the patient's blood pressure and at elevated rates give him a drink of his medicine for hypertension.
  4. Try to provide moral support, to reassure.

Patients with a microinsult are hospitalized. At treatment use medicines of several groups:

In some cases, surgery may be required. After a certain time after acute events, physiotherapy, massage, and therapeutic gymnastics are prescribed.