Allotments before monthly

As you know, the approaching monthly woman learns not only on the calendar, but also on her own feelings, signs that are observed monthly shortly before menstruation. As a rule, these are pains in the abdomen and lower back, breast engorgement and soreness, sharp mood swings, etc. However, much more worrying is the discharge before menstruation. At the same time, their nature is very diverse. Let's try to figure out whether there are discharges before the monthly, whether it is possible to consider them as the norm, and in what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What discharge before menstruation is not a sign of pathology?

In most cases, the mucous vaginal discharge before the monthly changes in one direction or another. However, they change throughout the menstrual cycle, due to hormonal bursts. Thus, for example, before and during the ovulation process, the secretions become similar to egg white, and, accordingly, acquire a slightly different consistency before menstruation.

Due to the aforementioned hormonal changes (decrease in the level of progesterone and an increase in the concentration of estrogens), a change in the nature of the discharge immediately occurs before menstruation. So, most often, the discharge before the monthly becomes white and thick, get a creamy consistency. Some women note that in the end of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the secretions become more dense and viscous.

Normally, such secretions are odorless, and their appearance is almost not accompanied by any symptoms (itching, burning). The volume of secretions immediately before menstruation is significantly increased, so the woman notices the constant moisture of the labia.

Watery, fairly abundant discharge from the vagina before the monthly are considered the norm if they are observed directly in the luteal or ovulatory phase. However, if they are present, the so-called white veins, then most likely, the woman has erosion of the cervix or inflammation of the cervical canal.

How does the pathological discharge look like before menstruation?

This kind of discharge can appear due to a large number of reasons. At the same time, their character is very diverse.

So, for example, yellowish, sometimes greenish discharge before menstruation indicates the presence in the body of a woman of hidden infections, which are transmitted predominantly through sexual intercourse. In addition, they can testify about chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages. At the same time, the volume of such secretions is small, and in some cases they can have an unpleasant smell.

The appearance of scarlet secretions on the eve of menstruation often indicates a violation such as erosion of the cervix. As a rule, they appear after sexual intercourse or syringing. Also, with erosion of the cervix before menstruation, the appearance of mucous discharge with blood veins is possible. Besides, such discharge can be a consequence of cervicitis or microcracks of the vagina.

The appearance of a brown shade before monthly discharges should always alert women. In most cases, they indicate the presence of gynecological diseases or disorders, including: hormonal imbalance, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis and uterine myoma.

Thus, it can be said that not always the appearance of excretions before menstruation is the norm. Therefore, in order to be 100% sure that this is not a violation, a woman should contact a gynecologist who will help determine the cause of their appearance and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.