Honey combs with poppy seeds

You want delicious cookies, and do not know which one? We will tell you how it is possible to prepare shulikas with poppy seeds, it is such simple and simple traditional Ukrainian peasant baking, usually cooked on Makovei. Honey coats - baking is very tasty, however, not useful (as honey when heated gets new properties), so do not cook this cookie too often. But sometimes, of course, you can, or use sugar (sugar syrup).

Recipe for the Shulikov with poppy seeds in the oven


For gravy:


Poppy boil in boiled water in a separate bowl, then salt the water and rinse. We can make eggs with honey, add some poppy, milk, a pinch of soda, and sift the flour a little, knead the dough. For a long time we do not mash. Roll the dough into a sheet (about 2-2.5 cm thick) about the size of the baking tray. We put this cake on a greased baking sheet (it's even better to spread it with baking oiled paper). In general, in the traditional version, a whole cake is baked, and then it is broken into pieces, but it can be made more aesthetically. Do the cuts on the test at half depth so that when the cake is baked easily break it into rhombic squares. Bake in the oven, readiness to report a pleasant golden-ruddy color and smell.

Now you need to cook gravy - poppy milk. Prepared, that is, steamed, well-swelled and washed poppy thoroughly rubbed in a mortar, adding little water or milk (cream). Also add honey to the sauce.

We break the baked layer of dough on the notches and lay the shuliki in a large and beautiful ceramic bowl. Fill them with poppy gravy and leave to swell for no more than 20 minutes.

Ideally, from a dietetic point of view, it is better to use concentrated sugar syrup or corn syrup instead of honey. But it's good to add natural honey to the gravy, so we will achieve the desired effect - the honey taste of delicacies.

To experience the tradition, we eat from a common bowl (probably spoons). It is good to wash shuliki with milk, sour-milk drinks, light mead (it is a drink, like kvass, and not moonshine) or compotes.