Why does the precipice dream?

The breakage can cause different associations in a person, for example, some people remember a beautiful sight, while others - about the danger to life. Such a polysemy breaks in the interpretation of dreams, so it is important to take into account other details of the plot.

Why does the precipice dream?

The dream, in which it was possible to stand on the precipice with an incredible view, predicts the emergence of a controversial situation, and the future of the dreamer will depend on it. If the road was seen from the cliff, it is a good sign, indicating successful implementation of the plans, but this will have to be done. The night vision, in which there was a cliff at the end of the road, means that a critical moment is coming, and it will seriously change life.

Why dream of falling off a cliff?

Such a plot means that soon a dreamer will get a chance to change his life. If a person fell into a dark abyss - this is a negative symbol, pointing to material problems, and to deal with them will have to exert force. A dream in which a person first fell off a cliff, and then took off, represents a spiritual uplift, which will easily overcome all problems .

Why dream of sitting on the edge of the cliff?

The dream, in which it was possible to sit on the edge of the cliff, means that it is necessary to take risks, although this is not typical of the dreamer's usual behavior. Another such plot often embodies internal fears .

Why do we dream of a precipice by the river?

Such a dream is a good omen, indicating that soon it will be possible to cope with the problems that have arisen without much difficulty. We will find out what the break with the water is, at the edge of which we had to walk, so it is worth taking for the advice that we have to take risks in order to achieve our goals. Night vision, which had to jump from the cliff into the river, means that the risk will be justified.