Hirudotherapy in gynecology

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, both traditional methods of treatment and non-traditional ones are used. Recently, the treatment of gynecological diseases with leeches - hirudotherapy - has become very popular. The medical leech is officially registered in the Register of Drugs of the Russian Federation.

Hirudotherapy in gynecology: points of posing leeches

The first question, which worries a woman in the presence of pelvic diseases, is which treatment method to choose. If the doctor suggested using leeches in gynecology, then the question is quite clear - where they are put.

Leeches can be placed either externally or inside the vagina. The procedure for putting leeches on a woman's body is absolutely painless and does not take much time. In one session, usually two to seven leeches are used. They are placed on different areas of the body of a woman, depending on the presence of a gynecological disease: the lower abdomen, large and small labia, anus, vagina. So, for example, when treating bartonilite, leeches are placed in the area of ​​the labia minora.

The use of leeches should be a one-time: after use they are disposed of. As a rule, the therapeutic effect occurs after one or two sessions after the installation of leeches.

Hirudotherapy in gynecology: indications for use

The use of leeches in gynecology gives a positive effect in the treatment of a number of different diseases of the genitourinary system:

It is advisable to use leeches in the postoperative period, because they are able to prevent the formation of adhesions.

To prevent stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs and swelling of internal tissues, medical leeches are also used. This allows to avoid complications during the complex treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs.

Hirudotherapy: contraindications

Despite its high efficiency, the use of leeches for the treatment of gynecological diseases has a number of contraindications. So, you can not use them for women who are noted for the presence of the following diseases:

Despite the fact that there are no direct contraindications to the use of leeches during pregnancy, their use is undesirable, because the woman's reaction to their effects is unknown.

The benefits of leeches in gynecology are undoubted. Gynecological leeches are able to have a complex effect on the female body and normalize the work of the female reproductive system. With anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing, immunomodulating action, leeches in gynecology represent a special sphere of application, which has recently gained great popularity. Treatment with leeches in gynecology helps to avoid surgical intervention when a woman has certain gynecological diseases and to cure infertility if it is caused by the presence of adhesive processes in the fallopian tubes.

At the present time, entire Centers of hirudotherapy have been established, where specially trained personnel treats gynecological diseases with the help of medical leeches.