Phobias and fears

Phobia is a strong obsessive, uncontrollable fear of anything. It's hard to even imagine how many phobias a normal person might have in the 21st century.

What, in your opinion, is the most common phobia? Perhaps someone believes that this is arachnophobia - fear of spiders, or claustrophobia - fear of closed space, or at worst, ahluophobia - fear of the dark. Even the fear of fear as a phobia also takes place to be in modern society.

Of course, all these assumptions are not unfounded, since many of us are afraid of all of the above, but this is by far not the most common phobia. First place in the list of the most common phobias among people of all ages and nationalities is tanatofobia - the fear of death.

What is the difference between fears and phobias?

Fear is a natural defensive reaction of a person. Since the appearance of mankind as a species, fear has been one of the mechanisms of self-defense in extreme situations. If we had no sense of fear, we would have tried without fear to swim across the ocean or quietly wandered along the edge of the roof of a high-rise building. Fear ceases to be natural when its occurrence is not justified. In this case, fear begins to take over the thoughts of a person and turn into a phobia.

A phobia is a fear of something that turns into a real problem for a person. The more time a person lives in fear, the more difficult it is to cure his psychological illness called phobia.

Various phobias not only prevent a person from taking a high position in society and performing his social functions, but are also accompanied by physical manifestations. Among the common symptoms of phobias are:

What are the fears?

The variety of phobias is amazing. If you think that they are all connected with something really terrible and life threatening, then you are mistaken. Some people have phobias, the object of which can be innocent at first sight objects or phenomena. We present to your attention the rating of the 5 most senseless phobias.

  1. Anthophobia is a fear of flowers.
  2. Acrybobia - the fear of not understanding the meaning of the text read.
  3. Somniphobia is a fear of sleeping.
  4. Dextrophobia is the fear of objects on the right.
  5. Tetra phobia is the fear of number 4.

Fear and phobia - ways to overcome

Phobia is a mental disorder based on a previously experienced traumatic situation. To get rid of the fears and phobias of those who have been persecuting you for many years is to turn to a specialist psychotherapist or psychologist. Treatment of fears and phobias is a separate direction in the robot of psychotherapists, but the success of treatment depends on the client, each case is special and does not lend itself to any generalization.

How to get rid of phobia and fear?

There are many ways to get rid of fears and phobias. If you notice that you have an unreasonable fear of something, then while it is at the stage of occurrence, you have every chance to overcome it yourself. Consider the option of overcoming fear by the method of E. Jacobson. So, you need to go through 3 stages before you can get rid of obsessive fears.

  1. Learn to relax, reflect. It is carried out in 3 stages. At the first stage you need to learn to purposefully relax all the muscles of the body. At the second stage you need to learn to relax those muscle groups that are not involved in the moment of fear. For example, if you are standing, then you need to relax your arms and back muscles. At the final stage, you need to watch yourself and try to determine which muscle groups you strain at the moment of experiencing negative emotions and eventually age to decrease the degree of their stress. This significantly reduces the severity or strength of experience during the onset of a sense of fear.
  2. Identify the stimuli that cause uncontrolled fear. You need to make a list of situations or items that cause you to fear from less to greater, by the method of ranking.
  3. Formation of relaxation instead of fear. Reread the list and imagine the situations that cause you fear. The arisen feeling of anxiety, manifested in the tension of certain muscles of the body, try to change for relaxation. Relaxing the body significantly reduces the level of anxiety and reduces the impact of stress and fears on a person.