Tattoo of the lips - consequences

Make the lips temptingly full or, conversely, reduce the excessive volume, change their shape, correct the asymmetry, hide the scar, give the lips a clear outline and, of course, eliminate the need to constantly tint the rubbed lipstick-all this is possible with a permanent make-up of the lips. And, probably, he would have much more fans if the ladies were not afraid of the consequences of lip tattoo, imaginary and real.

How complicated is the care after the tattoo? How long does the edema persist? Is there any risk of infection? And in general, is tattooing the lips harmful to health? Let's understand together.

Lip tattoo and the risk of an unsuccessful result

With all responsibility, go to the choice of the master: he not only has to be a professional in his field, but also to inspire confidence in you personally. And since you decided to entrust your face to this person, just follow all his recommendations for preparing for the procedure of tattooing and lip care after it.

One of the most unpleasant consequences after lip tattooing are herpetic eruptions. To catch the herpes virus in the beauty salon is impossible, because the master carefully disinfects your skin, works in a mask and gloves, uses disposable materials. Herpes as a complication of lip tattooing can appear only if you are already a carrier of the virus and, most likely, periodically it makes itself felt. For the prevention of rashes as the consequences of lip tattooing, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs (eg, Acyclovir, Valovir) several days before and after the procedure.

What other troubles can lie in wait for you? The discrepancy between the color of the tattoo and the expected, which does not always happen due to the fault of the master. To create the right shade, it mixes natural pigments of vegetable and mineral origin, and sometimes the body perceives some of them in its own way. But also this problem is solved - an unsuitable shade of lip tattoo is easy to adjust.

It is much worse if the tattoo is done inaccurately, the contour is rough, symmetry is broken. But even such consequences can be corrected, but if lip tattoo caused scarring of the skin, then it will be difficult to restore it. That's why, when entering the salon, you should be 100% sure of the professionalism of your master.

Contraindications to lip tattooing

Yes, they are also available. The tattoo specialist will not ask you to undergo a physical examination, but he will certainly ask about the state of health and warn that tattooing can not be done:

Dangerous permanent make-up can become for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, people with autoimmune diseases. If the skin has papillomas, moles, then tattooing should not hurt them. In any case, whether to do lip tattoos, it is better to decide with your doctor.

Lip Care after tattooing

As soon as the specialist finishes the work, he will apply a special composition to the lips, and after 15 minutes - a healing ointment or cream. Immediately after tattooing, lips can be swollen, as if swollen, and their color will be very bright. Do not panic - the swelling after the lip tattoo will disappear for several hours, maximum after 24 hours. The next day, there will appear characteristic crusts that will come off within 3-5 days, after them there will appear a so-called secondary crust in the form of a thin, slightly scaly film.

During the healing of permanent make-up, you can not sunbathe, visit the sauna and steam room, let hygiene (toothpaste, soap, shampoo) get on the lips, use makeup. Do not try to remove the crusts! The master will tell you what to smear lips after tattooing, usually this is accelerating healing and bactericidal ointments. How many lip tattoos heal? A healthy body for a full recovery of the skin will take about 2 weeks, but clear signs of the transferred procedure will leave already in some days. The final shade of the lips will be acquired after 4 weeks.

As you can see, lip care after tattooing is not complicated and is only required until the crusts come off. In the future, special care will not be needed for the lips, on the contrary, they will look much healthier. Like any interference in the appearance given by nature, tattooing of the lips has its pros and cons. But it's up to you to decide.