Why does the skin flake on the face?

About that, because of what the skin on the face flakes, and why it always occurs at the most inopportune moment, from time to time it is necessary to reflect each. Owners of dry skin with a problem face more often than others. But this does not mean that other types of skin are 100 degrees protected from peeling.

Why does the skin on the woman's face begin to peel strongly?

Peeling of the skin of the face can occur in women of any age. In addition, that this phenomenon is often accompanied by an unpleasant contraction of the skin, it looks rather unpleasant and repulsive.

The reasons why the skin of the face dries and is shelled, there is a lot. Worst of all, the tender epidermis is affected by weather conditions. Scaly skin begins when exposed to wind, high temperatures, frost. Extremely negative cells of the epidermis react to the over-dried by the heating devices winter air in the premises.

There are other reasons why the skin on the face dries and flakes. These factors include:

By the way, it is not difficult to distinguish the latter. With lesions of fungi and infections, the skin, except that it begins to peel, also itch very badly, becomes swollen, often redness appears on it.

Treatment of scaly skin on the face

As in the case of many other diseases, before starting the fight against peeling skin, you need to determine the cause of the problem. Special treatment will be required only with fungal lesions and other dermatological diseases. AT Other cases to save appearance will help simple preventive procedures:

  1. Knowing why the skin is flaky on the face and around the mouth, you can choose the most suitable cream. Use means is mandatory. Creams not only prevent peeling, but also fill the skin with energy and vitamins.
  2. For washing, use special tonics and gels . It is very not recommended to wash with soap - almost all of its types greatly dry the skin.
  3. Add fresh fruit and vegetables to the diet. Regularly replenish water reserves in the body, drinking at least two liters of fluid per day.