Neuroma Morton - symptoms

Morton's neuroma is a disease in which a benign formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fiber (a shell consisting of a protein-lipid complex) is formed, localized between the heads of the metatarsal bones of the third and fourth toes. In fact, this formation is a pathological thickening of the common-toe nerve of the foot of an inflammatory nature.

Most often, the disease is found in middle-aged women. There are no exact causes of the disease, but it is assumed that a certain role in its development is played by increased loads on the feet, wearing uncomfortable shoes, traumatic factors. The histology of Morton's neuroma shows that more often this tumor is the result of a nerve injury. Consider what the symptoms of Morton's neuroma are, and what kind of doctor should be contacted when they are detected.

Signs of Morton's Neuroma

The disease rarely affects both feet at once, more often one-sided lesion is observed. At the initial stages of the manifestation of the disease are mild, they include the following symptoms:

These signs are often ignored, because they are not always present at the beginning of the pathological process, and they can arise periodically when wearing crushing shoes, high-heeled shoes, excessive loads on the legs (prolonged walking, standing.) After eliminating the provoking factors, easy massage of the foot and rest, they disappear.

With the progression of the pathological process, exacerbations of the disease are observed more often, and soon the painful sensations become stable, present even in a state of prolonged dormancy. In addition, they acquire a more intense character, and are often described by patients as burning, shooting, aching, giving to the fingers. Other symptoms may include:

External manifestations, as a rule, Morton's neuroma does not have a foot, i.e. There are no visible changes. However, in some cases, patients have swelling of the affected foot, swelling in the affected area.

Diagnosis of Morton's Neuroma

If the above pathological symptoms are found as soon as possible to see a doctor, which will cure the disease without resorting to surgical methods. The treatment of this disease involved specialists of such specialties as a surgeon, neurologist, orthopedist.

First of all, the doctor must conduct a thorough diagnosis to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms. For example, a similar clinical picture is observed with arthritis, bursitis , epithelial cyst, fractures or fractures of the foot bones. To clarify and specify the diagnosis of "Morton's neuroma" is possible through MRT of the foot (magnetic resonance imaging), radiography, ultrasound. The most preferred, accessible and informative method is ultrasound diagnosis. It allows to reveal the exact localization of the tumor, its dimensions. Accurate diagnosis allows you to determine the most effective way of treating pathology. It is worth noting that in neglected cases, you can cope with the disease only through surgical intervention.