Why dream of a well?

Since the well allows you to quench your thirst, it is considered a symbol of life. What kind of meaning can the dream bear in itself, in which this object appeared, we now find out.

Why dream of a well?

If you are digging a well in a dream, then in real life you expect a lot of work that can bring both profit and loss, it all depends on the specific situation. A dilapidated well is a symbol of material losses. Even such a dream predicts the development of various unpleasant situations, which you will not be able to avoid. A closed well is a sign that in the future you will miss the chance to prove yourself.

Dream interpretation, what a dream falls into a well, interprets, as a warning that it is possible, you are waiting for some tests that are prepared for you by enemies. At this time, their hidden discontent can provoke a variety of scandals. Another such dream promises illnesses and problems at work. The dream in which you clean the well is a good omen that promises advancement on a career ladder.

Why dream of an empty well?

Such a dream is an unfavorable sign, which foreshadows fraud in the near future. It will happen because of your excessive gullibility.

What does a well of water dream about?

If you see a well in which there is clear water, then in the near future you will have new opportunities and tempting prospects. Dream interpretation recommends to be on the alert, so as not to miss such a chance. A dream in which you saw a full well is a symbol of abundance in life. It's time to get a well-deserved reward for the work done.

What is the dream of a deep well?

In this case, the dream symbolizes the fact that you will soon see interesting ideas that you can implement. For a girl, a deep, empty well is a warning that enemies can adversely affect their personal lives.