Nut - calorie content

Nut cultural is popularly called Turkish or mutton peas. Nut is one of the most ancient plants of our planet. The first mention of it dates back to the time before our era.

In many countries, chickpeas are considered a delicacy. He is pleased to use in India, Africa, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, the Russian Volga region, North America, Australia. A distinctive feature of this pea is an oily structure, a weak nutty taste and a refreshing aftertaste.

In the era of antiquity, Turkish peas were roasted in olive oil, and served on a table in combination with cheese. It was believed that chickpeas are one of the favorite products of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Since the 17th century, Europeans have found another use of turkey peas - it was used as a substitute for coffee.

The popularity of this bean is due to the fact that it has a rich composition and high nutritional value . In ancient times it was very important that the products quickly and permanently saturate the body. The high caloric value of chickpeas made it a rather satisfying dish, and the presence of vitamins, minerals and fiber helped maintain the body in a healthy state.


The Turkish pea contains about 80 nutrients. It contains:

Such a composition causes a fairly high nutritional value. The calorie content of chickpeas per 100 grams is 320 units. In order to saturate the body with a small handful of these beans.

Since the Turkish pea swells when it enters the water, the caloric content of the boiled chickpea becomes significantly less than that of raw peas. Caloric content of boiled chickpeas is in the range of 120-140 calories per 100 g of the finished product.

This representative of legumes is brewed longer than lentils and all other kinds of peas. Therefore before cooking it is better to soak in a weak soda solution.

Caloric content of peas must not frighten those who want to lose weight. Simply during weight loss it is better to use it in small amounts and not more often two or three times a week.