Coin for luck

At all times a man tried to draw luck to himself, nothing has changed in our days. Talisman, helping people, can be any, even the most primitive thing, especially one that is conspired for good luck. The most popular talisman is a coin, which is given for good luck or put in a secret pocket, believing that it will help at the right time.

Coin for luck

Coin - an amulet should always be next to the owner, in your pocket, in your purse, or, for example, as a necklace on your neck, but it is advisable not to show it to others. It is believed that the best talisman is a special coin with a square hole in the center (a feng shui coin). However, for a coin to really help, it is necessary to sincerely believe in its magical properties, also it is worth remembering that if you are waiting for luck, then carry a coin closer to the body, and if you want to "draw" money, wrap the coin in a gold colored fabric.

How to talk a coin for money and luck?

So, many people believe that if you "impose" on a coin the right conspiracy, it will bring a person not only good luck, but also provide financial well-being. For a rite, you can choose any coin, for example, worth 1 ruble.

To speak a coin for good luck, you should put it on the palm of your hand, squeeze your fist tightly and whisper three times: "I blow everything bad, everything I need to call. Help me a coin, bring good luck, attract fortune. " So your personal amulet is ready, carry this lucky coin, lucky, with you.

But in order that there is no shortage of money in your house, you should "charge" a coin to improve your financial situation. It is advisable to choose a yellow coin and put it in a place where the sun's rays fall. Then, loudly, distinctly say three times: "The sun will shine with gold, which the earth warms. So you, a penny, light up with a golden fire, bring the riches. " The coin should remain in the sun for 12 hours, when it is "charged", put it in a purse or pocket of a purse and always carry it with you.