Hypoxia of the fetus - symptoms and consequences

During the entire period of the baby's stay in the womb, his lungs do not function. Normally they are filled with fluid, and only occasionally they make respiratory movements. Despite this, oxygen is not yet supplied to them. Its only source for the future baby is the placenta, which receives oxygen directly from the maternal blood. In the event of a violation of the process of its receipt, the so-called fetal hypoxia develops, which can have negative consequences for the health of the future child. Let's take a closer look at the main symptoms of fetal hypoxia and talk about the possible consequences of such a violation.

What signs are characteristic for fetal hypoxia during pregnancy?

Immediately the time of onset of this disorder, as well as its duration, have a direct effect on the health of the fetus. So, the earlier the hypoxia develops and the longer it lasts - the worse for the baby.

In the early stages, this condition can lead to deviations in the development of organs and systems. First and foremost, the brain suffers, which ultimately affects the child's mental abilities. In addition, most neurological diseases in newborns are observed as a result of the lack of oxygen.

Hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy is called chronic and has negative consequences for the child. In this case, the main risk factors that lead to a violation directly during the fetal bearing include:

Independently to determine such a violation as hypoxia of the fetus, at a small period of pregnancy is not under force. The main method used for diagnosis at the period of 12-18 weeks is the US-doppler. With the help of his doctor calculates the number of heartbeats in the baby, and gives them an estimate, comparing with the time. In oxygen starvation, the number of heartbeats decreases sharply, bradycardia occurs.

In later terms, one of the signs of fetal hypoxia is a decrease in the number of fetal movements. To do this, use the so-called "Methodology 10". It involves counting the pregnant number of episodes of wiggling baby, the duration of each of which, on average, is 1-2 minutes. For the whole day they should be at least 10. Otherwise - you need to see a doctor for a thorough examination.

When does fetal hypoxia occur during childbirth and what are its consequences?

Oxygen starvation, which occurred directly during the birth process, is commonly called acute fetal hypoxia. Most often this is observed when:

The most frequent of the consequences of acute fetal hypoxia that occurs in a child after birth is asphyxia, i.e. suffocation. Most often it occurs with a premature detachment of the placenta, repeated entanglement of the umbilical cord, infringement of the umbilical cord. In this case, the baby itself is born with cyanotic skin, the pulse is practically absent, the breathing is intermittent. In this case urgent resuscitation measures are carried out, up to the point that the baby can be connected to the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Thus, it can be said that fetal hypoxia is a very serious violation required by constant monitoring by physicians.