Signs on September 27

September 27, all Christians remember how in 326, the acquisition and construction of the Cross of Christ in Jerusalem occurred. He was found by Queen Helen on the temple of Venus buried. After his rise by all Christians on September 27, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated, whose signs are very important.

Exaltation is a church holiday on September 27 and its signs

It was believed that anyone who fasted on this feast would be forgiven of seven sins. Three days before the Exaltation, the cabbage was harvested, billets were made from it and various dishes were served on the table. People gathered in families and went to help neighbors, singing songs and telling tales. This day was given special significance, combining it with the departure of the summer and the arrival of the first frosts. With the Orthodox holiday on September 27, many folk superstitions and signs are associated, characterizing the behavior of the approaching winter.

People's signs and beliefs on September 27:

  1. A girl who has read seven times a special conspiracy , will fall in love with the young man she likes, whom she will meet, going to the girls' gatherings.
  2. All major undertakings may fail, so no one has ever started important business on September 27.
  3. On this day it was forbidden to visit the forest, because it was believed that the goblin gathers all creeping reptiles to check readiness for the winter period.
  4. Doors, windows and wickets were well closed, because all the snakes and other cold-blooded people crawl into one place and can mistakenly get into the apartment building.
  5. In the spring a great flood was expected, seeing high flying geese in the sky.
  6. The cold wind blows on September 27 - a sign that it will be a warm and sunny summer.

September itself has its own signs, for example, if it is dry and warm, then winter will come to us with a delay. Birds leave early for warm, distant lands, so autumn will be wet, winter will be harsh, and spring will not please us with its early arrival. Thunder will thunder in September - to a long and dry autumn. Winter will be harsh if there are a lot of acorns on the oak. All the folk signs of the gloomy month make it clear what awaits us in the most severe period of the year, what to prepare for and how soon to wait for spring.

It's a month of fullness - it's a sin to complain about your harvest. People see off warm days and meet cold ones. At the end of September, the autumn equinox comes, the evening grows and comes earlier and earlier. All around stops and falls asleep in order to wait for the winter and come to life in the spring.