Products for pressure reduction

Hypertension is not accidentally called a "silent killer", because not always patients notice the excess of normal blood pressure, and then at some point the body is struck by a stroke or heart attack. Doctors advise all people at risk to follow a diet called Dash, which has a dietary approach to treating hypertension and includes products to reduce pressure.

Products that should be taken with high blood pressure

This is primarily those that are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C , folic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They strengthen the shell of the vessels, free them from cholesterol plaques, remove from the body useless fluid and decay products. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are prophylaxis of thrombosis, dilute blood. Ascorbic acid dilates arterioles and capillaries, increases blood flow velocity.

Among products that lower blood pressure, we can distinguish: