Why can not you call girls male names?

There are a lot of superstitions, and especially many of them are associated with children, except that it is not forbidden to breathe on a baby, and that is not very long. And dangers start from the moment of choosing a name for the child. Numerous counselors will immediately explain why you can not call girls names of men, tell you if you can give the name of a deceased relative, and recommend referring to the saints for inspiration. But the decision to take all the same parents, so it is necessary to deal with all the signs beforehand.

Why can not you call girls male names?

Often, names are credited with a mystical influence on a person's life, but in reality, exceptions confirm the rules more likely. It is noteworthy that Orthodoxy according to the absence of a magic coloring phenomenon, suggesting to recall the Old Testament, where children were named after any events. Heroes of their became more often than men, so many female names are originally male or derived from them. For example, Rimma and Inna are the names of men of martyrs, and the familiar Olga is a tracing-paper with the male name Oleg. Therefore, the girl can be called with a calm soul a man's name, without fear of anyone's reproaches. So where do the signs on this score come from, and what should be feared for such children?

When asked why they can not be called masculine names, they usually reply that they will suffer a very difficult fate. The roots of this superstition stem from another, reporting the impact of a name on a person's actions. And if this does not happen, then you should not be afraid. Another thing is that the surrounding people can perceive Alexander and Victoria, as more tough and assertive, even if in fact it is not. Interestingly, this superstition is not of a world nature, American researchers believe that the girl can and even needs to be called a masculine name, because so she will be more likely to succeed. Such a strange pattern is mainly observed in the legal sphere, just where it is more often necessary to show the character traits inherent in a stronger sex.

It turns out that you can call a girl a man's name, but is it worth it to give the child the name of the deceased father? There is no research on this, but there is a clear conviction that in such a case the fate of the departed parent will prevail over the child, especially if death was premature. There is an opinion that the unspent energy of the deceased will influence the actions of the child, although this impact can be positive. But to believe it or not, it's up to you.