Signs on the Apple Savior for the unmarried

The Apple Savior is a great holiday, widely celebrated by the Orthodox. On this day it is customary to go to church and consecrate apples of a new crop. In addition, the Apple Spas have traditions and signs that are relevant to single girls.

What should an unmarried girl do for the Apple Savior?

Unmarried girls who want to change their status, use any chance to find out their destiny and attract a good husband. Such opportunities in Orthodoxy are presented for all the great holidays, tk. a feature of this trend in Christianity is that it is firmly connected with pagan forbidden and mysterious beliefs.

One of the most common usages of the Apple Savior for the unmarried is the conversation with the apple tree. Apple tree, the symbol of the holiday, is also the embodiment of fertility, youth, beauty. An unmarried girl on the Apple Spas needs to go to the apple tree, hug her and ask for the embodiment of her main dream - acquiring family happiness. The fulfillment of this desire should occur quickly - within a year, but on one condition - if the girl before the feast did not eat a single apple.

To live with the future husband was in abundance, on the way to the church an unmarried girl had to give alms to all beggars without exception. If the request for help on this day remained unanswered, the girl could expect deprivation and poverty.

If to the Apple Spawn a young woman appeared on the spotlight, whom she would like to see as her husband, the potential bride needed to hand over the apple to the chosen one. This sign of attention showed the young man the interest of the girl, and he acted bolder.

Customs and signs for the Apple Savior for the unmarried

For girls, desperate to win the liking of the fancy guy in the usual ways, the Apple Apple saved the opportunity to conduct a unique and very effective rite of love . To do this, it was necessary to take an apple, cut it in half, replace the core with leaves of nettle and combine the two halves together. Then over the apple you need to say: "My love, for me to fly, like nettles passionate, for me and my beloved beautiful. Me and all for the good, let it be so. " Apple after the utterance of the conspiracy must be hidden, and when it is dry - bury it near the home of a loved one.

To attract a loved one, an unmarried girl needs to look as attractive as possible. And this will also help a special rite, which is conducted specifically on the Apple Savior. A young girl should take the most beautiful apple and three times to pronounce over him the following words: "On a fine day or in bad weather, the cradle of nature, the apple of charm, the beauty of the charm." After the conspiracy, the apple needs to be eaten. And then this ritual is repeated 11 more times (12 in all). And pleasant changes in appearance will not keep you waiting.

The wedding, played on the Apple Savior, promises a long and happy family life for the newlyweds. That's why the wedding season usually begins on this holiday. And that the life of the newlyweds is not overshadowed, their home must be cleaned of negative energy. Conduct this rite also on the Apple Savior. For the ceremony, you need to take an apple, cut it in half, and cut out the core from one half. Then it is necessary to light a white candle and to go around with it all the dwelling, making circular movements in the clockwise direction. Particular attention should be paid to clearing the fire near the windows and doors. Flowing from the candle wax should be collected in a cleaned half of the apple. At the end of the ritual, an apple with wax should be covered with a second half, wrap the fruit with threads, take it out of the house and bury it.