Multiple uterine myoma

Myoma is called benign formation, which grows from the muscular tissue of the uterus. If the disease is represented by several nodes at once, then we are dealing with multiple uterine myoma.

Multiple nodular uterine myoma

Depending on the severity of the disease, several types of tumors are distinguished.

  1. Multiple uterine myoma in large sizes. By "large dimensions" it is customary to mean nodes greater than 6 cm in diameter. Women of this group are prescribed conservative myomectomy. This is relevant in the event that there are 1-3 localized nodes located successfully to localize the operation. Otherwise, a patient with multiple uterine fibroids of large size is assigned uterine artery embolization, if the total volume does not exceed 20 weeks.
  2. Multiple uterine myoma in small sizes. If the node does not exceed 20 mm, then it is considered small. As a rule, women with this diagnosis face metrorrhagia, infertility.
  3. Multiple nodal uterine myoma of medium size. This form of the disease has a major node about 6 cm in size. In this case, the most correct and effective method of treatment is uterine artery embolization.

Multiple uterine myoma and pregnancy

In periods of child bearing the nodes become more elastic and soft, they begin to increase in size. Sometimes myoma does not become an obstacle to the fetation, but there are a number of indications for abortion. Multiple uterine myoma becomes a significant threat in several cases:

The highest risk of miscarriage is when the placenta is located in the node. A woman should be examined at least once every two weeks.

Multiple uterine myoma: treatment

The difference between the multiple myoma of the uterus body is that the doctor has to observe the growth of several nodes at once. Because of the treatment should be timely. To begin with, a woman needs to restore the hormonal balance in the body. For these purposes, hormonal contraceptives and vitamin complexes are used.

If multiple uterine fibroids pass in severe form, the doctor may prescribe a surgical procedure until the node is removed from the uterus. In this case, infertility is inevitable. If you can only remove a node, there is a hope to conceive and endure the child. Today there are a lot of folk methods of treatment on the basis of celandine, borage uterus and other remedies. But it is better to resort to such methods only after consulting a specialist.