Winter Tents

Summer tents are very popular among hikers and camping enthusiasts. But the winter type of such equipment is relevant only for those who are not afraid of cold, wind and other natural troubles. Let's figure out what winter tents are like, and what are the requirements for them.

Features of winter tents

Winter tents should have the following characteristics:

Choosing a winter tent

Any tent intended for use in winter cold is insulated. But, choosing such a product for their own purposes, you need to know that winter tents are not only tourist, but also fishing or hunting. So, winter fishing tents are subject to special requirements, as they are usually intended for ice fishing, which means that they should be well insulated from below, fast and qualitatively fixed on ice.

Tents for hunters are called "sit-ups" and are usually performed in camouflage shades. As the name implies, they are designed for sitting in ambush with disguise on the ground.

As for tourist winter tents, their main qualities are the confrontation with the wind, waterproofness and, of course, comfort. The latter is achieved through heating with the help of heaters, but keep in mind that such a tent should be well ventilated.

So, the choice of tent usually has several important criteria:

Very popular today is a winter tent of the "umbrella" type, which automatically decomposes during just a few seconds. They are convenient in that they have a domed shape, light weight and are quickly installed, but such umbrellas are not very resistant to wind gusts.

From modern novelties it is necessary to distinguish also tents of the cubic form where it is possible to be straightened in all growth, however they also are unstable.

But frame tents with manual installation are more reliable and are used for stationary fishing, when there is no need to quickly change places.

An important point is the price of the tent - the lower it is, the lower the wind resistance and water repellent properties. You should not choose budget options if you want to get a quality product.

Buying a tent for winter outdoor recreation, hiking or fishing , carefully analyze all the selection criteria to buy exactly the model that will be ideal for you!