Crooked teeth

Non-ideal dentition can spoil the photo, self-esteem and personal life. In addition, neither the dental floss nor the brush can penetrate between the curved teeth, which means that the oral cavity remains not fully cleaned, which provokes caries and even a digestive disorder. Treatment of diseases, the fault of which are crooked teeth, sometimes more troublesome and expensive, than to correct this imperfection.

Who is guilty?

Dentists call a variety of reasons for the growth of crooked teeth.

Methods of teeth alignment

Today, dentists propose to straighten out crooked teeth in such ways as:

Each of the technologies is characterized by efficiency, the time of equalization of the curved teeth and, of course, the cost.

Bracket systems

Braces are a rigid plate that is put on the tooth row and thanks to the adjustment system it aligns it and corrects the bite. Braces are performed individually for each patient; it takes 2-3 years to wear them.

  1. Metal braces - not too attractive externally, but affordable.
  2. Ceramic braces are made of ceramics and have a color identical to tooth enamel, which makes the design invisible.
  3. Lingual braces - made of metal, but located inside the dentition, allowing you to fix crooked teeth, as a client dreams, unnoticed by others. This design of braces is the most expensive.

Plastic mouthguards

For those who want to fix crooked teeth without wearing braces, dentists-orthodontists offer transparent plastic mouthguards. They are made on an individual impression and imply constant wearing. During the meal, the structure must be removed. However, the corrective ability of the Kapp is small compared to the brackets, therefore it is necessary to periodically update the impression. This method is relevant for correcting the small curvature of the teeth. The positive effect is achieved after 3 to 15 months of wearing the kappa.


A revolutionary approach in aesthetic dentistry is the correction of curved teeth with veneers, which are provided by thin porcelain plates. Veneers are glued to the teeth, closing the gaps between them and adjusting the shape.

Full veneers are caps, which are worn on the tooth. They are kept on a mixture of special cement and fluorine, which is applied directly to the enamel.

Incomplete veneers - plates that only fit on the visible part of the tooth.

Thus, veneering makes it possible to flaunt a Hollywood smile from the first day and is the best answer to the question "what to do if the crooked teeth?". True, the cost of such a service is also at the "Hollywood" level. But veneers: