What can not be eaten by pregnant women?

Pregnancy is a magical period in the life of every woman, because it is associated with the development of a new life inside her. This circumstance makes a woman think more about her health, nutrition, rest and emotions.

To bear and give birth to a healthy child in modern conditions is not a simple task. For her successful fulfillment of the woman at the stage of bearing the baby, it is necessary to avoid not only colliding with dangerous infections that can provoke abnormalities in the development of pregnancy, but also the consumption of a whole list of dangerous products.

Most of what can not be eaten by pregnant women is not recommended for use in normal life for children and adults, since it does not bear anything useful. To forbidden foods during pregnancy are those dishes and food that can cause allergies, make digestion difficult, provoke a threat of abortion and fetal malformations.

What foods are prohibited for pregnant women?

The list of things you can not eat and drink during pregnancy is wide enough, and includes:

  1. Alcohol (has a toxic effect on the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages).
  2. Raw fish and meat (high risk of infection with helminthiosis, which can affect the fetus).
  3. Sea and river delicacies in large quantities (shrimp and caviar), as well as the use of large quantities of honey, orange and red vegetables and fruits (can serve as a stimulus for the development of congenital allergic readiness in the child). Here you can also include exotic fruits, chocolate, products with a high content of artificial colors. These are allergenic foods, and they top the list of what can not be eaten by pregnant women in the late term, due to the high probability of a child with congenital diathesis.
  4. Large quantities of flour and sweet can cause a set of excess weight of the future mother, as well as contribute to "feeding the baby" to large (more than 4 kg) and giant (more than 5 kg) sizes.
  5. Canned and smoked products are dangerous butulosum. This disease is very dangerous for life and health, and the bacteria causing it reproduces perfectly in a preserved environment, if sterile conditions were violated in the preparations.
  6. Products that can potentially cause poisoning and intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman. That's why pregnant women should not eat watermelon, melon and mushrooms.
  7. Kvass in large quantities causes bloating, as well as further fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract is converted to alcohol.
  8. Strong black tea and coffee are dangerous for their ability to increase pressure and cause muscle tone. May provoke hypertension of the uterus and threaten pregnancy.
  9. To products that can not be pregnant, carry a large number of preservatives and colorants. They can cause violations in the work of vital organs of the future mother (liver, kidneys, blood vessels, etc.). Their use can cause the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, which is fraught with fetal hypoxia.
  10. It is necessary to limit the intake of salt, as it promotes the development of edemas and increases the pressure (may provoke preeclampsia).
  11. A black list of what you can not eat during pregnancy includes some fruits. Their small doses in the diet of a future mother can play a positive role. However, their excessive consumption, or eating unripe fruit, can adversely affect the health of the mother and child. What kind of fruit can not be eaten by pregnant women? Immature papaya fruits (have poisonous properties), pineapples (in large quantities promote the removal of fluid from the body, stimulation of uterine contractions), grapes (can cause excessive weight gain by the child).