Hormone of fear

Fear accompanies us throughout life, whether it is exam, first date, an important business meeting or a parachute jump. As you know, fear comes under the action of hormones responsible for fear . One of them is adrenaline.

Hormone fear adrenaline

Adrenaline is a hormone of fear that is secreted by the adrenal glands, thrown into the bloodstream and causes a reaction of struggle and flight. In fact, adrenaline should be regarded as a material embodiment of a sense of fear and instantaneous brain reaction to danger. Its concentration at times increases with stress, pain and imminent danger. As a rule, the adrenaline hormone of fear acts in extreme situations, at this time a person experiences attacks of anger, fear , rage, indignation and seeks to overcome the obstacles that have arisen. In everyday life adrenaline is necessary for us so that we are not afraid of dangers, do not give up, easily cope with life's difficulties and skillfully mobilize their efforts to combat problems.

With strong affects, which are expressed in the manifestation of intense external emotional experiences, there is a violation of associations, a clouding of consciousness. The first thing in the emotion of fear, the body seems to freeze, waiting for the continuation, and then the views that arose at the very beginning of the fright, remain with the person for a very long time, crashing into the memory. The affect can be manifested in the rapidity of the heartbeat, the dilatation of the pupils and in the strong changes in respiration and circulation, which often leads to fainting, and in rare cases even death.

It should be noted that the hormones of fear affect not only the physical and emotional health of a person, helping in the fight against injuries or in shock situations. In everyday life, these reactions have a more useful effect, since the release of hormones of fear is the toning of all systems - from the cardiovascular and respiratory to the digestive
