Compatibility in marriage

It's no secret that for compatibility in a marriage, the senses alone are not enough. Compatibility of temperaments , consistency of expectations and common values ​​are also needed. Esoteric techniques also make it possible to calculate the compatibility of partners in marriage over the years based on their birth dates or names and surnames, since these data also talk a lot about a person.

Compatibility of temperaments in marriage is the most important indicator, which tells how calm people can coexist together.

Scientists have long identified four main types of temperament, which describe different types of human reaction. In a pure form, they practically do not occur, usually a mixture of two or even three types is observed in humans:

There are special tests, answering to which, you can accurately establish your temperament and the temperament of your partner.

It is worth noting that compatibility in love and marriage is not at all among people who have a similar type of temperament, but those whose characteristics complement each other. There are such stable pairs:

But the family, in which both spouses are choleric, will be quite complex and scandalous; the life of two phlegmatic people may look like a swamp, and a couple of melancholic people can sink too deeply into their sorrows.

However, since there are almost no pure types of people, we can say that, with a strong desire, each pair will be able to find a compromise and intersection points. The main thing is that there is a desire , mutual respect and the desire to make your marriage better.