Chickenpox in children - treatment

Chickenpox refers to acute viral high-contact diseases, so you can catch chickenpox, even accidentally passing by a sick person. A special peak of the disease falls on demi-seasonal periods.

And although having chickenpox once, the child gets lifelong immunity, and it is generally assumed that at an early age this disease is better tolerated, if your child is sick with chickenpox, do not "share" the disease with other children, and try to isolate him at home in order to reduce the risk spread of the pathogen.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

Most often, children of preschool age are affected. Symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children are pretty standard. As a rule, on the second day of the disease, the skin surface is "decorated" with a characteristic rash that lasts no less than five days. Often, the disease is accompanied by a wave-like increase in temperature.

Vesicles on the body, ranging in size from one to five millimeters, are called vesicles. During the disease, the vesicles go through several stages. At first, a tiny pink speck appears on the skin, which very quickly transforms into a vial filled with liquid. Then, the vesicle bursts and begins to dry out. The resulting crust causes severe itching. Crusts fall off after about a week.

The rashes are updated, therefore, on the surface of the skin are observed simultaneously and vesicles, and specks, and crusts. The rash spreads throughout the body, not having a specific place of localization.

Treatment of varicella in children

  1. With severe varicella form and complications, chickenpox treatment in children takes place in a hospital using anti-herpetic drugs: Viralax, Acyclovir and others. To facilitate the condition, it is often prescribed immunoglobulin, as well as, interferon. Doctors recommend treating chickenpox in children with such herbal remedies as Alpizarin, Gossypol, Helepin, Flacoside.
  2. In recent years, the method of treating chickenpox in Komarovsky's children has become very popular. Unlike most domestic doctors, Komarovsky believes that one should not wait for the crusts to fall off, short-term hygienic baths should be performed daily, as excessive sweating and contamination of the skin surface provoke an increase in itching. By the way, in the West, a daily shower in the treatment of chickenpox in children is recommended long ago.
  3. Personal hygiene needs to be given careful attention. Bed linen and baby pajamas made of cotton cloth must change constantly.
  4. Treatment of chickenpox in children takes place with compulsory treatment of the rash with calcium permanganate solution or brilliant greens. The treatment should be done twice a day. Please note, treatment with disinfectants is not a cure. Solutions simply dry the rash. If treatment is performed too often, scars may appear in place of the vesicles. In case of fever, the use of ibuprofen or paracetamol is indicated. It is undesirable to give a child aspirin, since it can cause complication of the course of the disease.
  5. They treat chickenpox in children, always observing bed rest, because in the first days the illness is often accompanied by a feverish condition. Parents should spend more time with the child, distracting from the desire to scratch. Breastfeeders must wear gloves, older children shorten their nails.
  6. It is necessary to know what to do when the child has chickenpox. Do not overheat, which increases itching. Therefore, you should often ventilate the room in which the sick child is, without creating drafts.