Bleeding from the vagina

Bloody discharge from the vagina is normal only during menstruation and they are allocated no more than 80 ml. If they appear at other times and are allocated more than this volume of blood, then they talk about bleeding.

What is vaginal bleeding?

Direct vaginal bleeding occurs rarely, and it is caused by erosions of the cervix, inflammatory diseases of the vagina, neoplasm of the cervix and vagina. Much more often, the causes for which vaginal bleeding occurs are associated with diseases of the uterus or ovaries.

The main causes of vaginal bleeding:

Diagnosis of bleeding from the vagina

First of all, to diagnose the causes of bleeding, a woman's gynecological examination is performed, during which it is possible to diagnose diseases that caused bleeding. Of the additional research methods used:

How to stop vaginal bleeding?

After diagnosing the cause of bleeding, choose the method of stopping it. Use haemostatic drugs, such as Vikasol, amnocaproic acid, calcium chloride, fibrinogen, if necessary, transfuse blood products and blood substitutes.

One of the ways to stop uterine bleeding remains scraping the uterine cavity (with incomplete miscarriage, endometrial hyperplasia, after childbirth), if the bleeding is not stopped, surgical intervention is performed.