Thyme - application

Thyme has long been known for its medicinal properties, and the Slavs were credited with magical action - it was believed that thyme can restore man and health and life. And the pagans burned incense to the deity, laying thyme on fire. If pagan evidence seems inconclusive to you, stop contemptuously wrinkle your nose - the medicinal properties of thyme were noted by Avicenna herself. Do you believe this great healer of antiquity? And in our time of the triumph of chemistry and synthetics, thyme is an application not only as a flavor of tea.

The healing properties of thyme

First of all it is necessary to note the antiseptic properties of thyme. It also has expectorant, bronchodilator, weak hypnotic, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, anthelminthic effect. Also, the use of thyme was noticed in the treatment of muscular and articular rheumatism, bruises and non-infectious rashes. The use of thyme helps in the treatment of male diseases, for example, prostatitis and impotence.

Thymus - contraindications

If you are a fan of tea with thyme, check if you have any contraindications to taking this drink. After all, even the most harmless at first glance, medicines and herbs can become poison if used improperly or overdosed. This is also the case with thyme - prolonged use of it can lead to problems with the thyroid gland. Also, thyme can not be used in diseases of the kidneys, peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, heart failure and during pregnancy.

Thyme application: recipes

As already mentioned above, thyme helps with coughing due to its expectorant properties. In addition, the infusion of thyme helps with bronchial asthma and bronchitis. To prepare the present thyme to get rid of cough, you need 2 tablespoons of the crushed plant to pour a glass of boiling water and to warm in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion should be cooled and add to the volume of the glass with boiled water. Take infusion is required three times a day for a third cup. With inflammation of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, this infusion can be used for rinses.

With poor digestion, swelling is recommended to take tea from thyme. Prepare it at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of boiling water. This tea should be drunk 1 or 2 cups a day. Also, tea from thyme is advised to be taken as an easy diuretic and blood cleanser.

With prolonged use of antibiotics, there is often a problem such as dysbiosis. In this case, a decoction from a thyme can help. To get it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of water into a spoonful of grass. Next, you need to send the container with the thyme to the stove and bring it to a boil, and then immediately remove it from the heat, you do not need to boil the grass. After the broth should be cooled at room temperature and strain. To restore the microflora of the intestine, this broth should be taken three times a day for half a glass. Also, the thyme broth is used in the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced acidity. Another decoction cooked according to this recipe is recommended to be taken during rehabilitation after brain concussions and also to reduce headaches, get rid of insomnia and nervous overexertion.

Also useful properties of herb thyme are used for treatment of alcohol dependence. For this, it is required to add 4 tablespoons of thyme to a tablespoon of wormwood wormwood and mix everything well. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be filled with a glass of boiling water. Infusion should be drunk three times a day, one tablespoon before meals. This medication should be continued for 2 months.

As an anthelmintic remedy use infusion of thyme - 2 tablespoons of dry herbs should be poured in with two glasses of boiling water and allow 2 hours to brew in a sealed container. Take the medication received in 4 divided doses for an hour. After 1,5 it is necessary to take a herbal laxative. For children under 2 years of age, this treatment is contraindicated.